Recent content by PepsNick

  1. PepsNick

    Goodbye Picnik :'(

    Aren't you so sad that it's going away?? I use it everyday!
  2. PepsNick

    Where Did My Pages Go?

    Oh, thank you! This helped a lot.
  3. PepsNick

    Where Did My Pages Go?

    I'm still getting used to the new BYC. But I can't figure out how to get to the pages I created. The ones that you used to click on "View My BYC Page" to get to.... Where did they go?
  4. PepsNick

    Woods-style house in the winter

    Oh my gosh, I just looooove that. I think I've seen you post these before. Wow, still looks great!
  5. PepsNick

    Buff Laced Wyandotte?

    I know that Katy has Wyandottes, not sure if that kind though. Sorry- I'm probably not much help but you should check.
  6. PepsNick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Oh, I wasn't sure. Thank you!
  7. PepsNick

    The IMPORTED ENGLISH Orpington Thread

    Hi everyone. I've lost a little of my memory about the imported Orpingtons since I've taken a break from BYC. Will you all remind me what the goal of the Lav Orp project is? Isn't it to get them looking like the English type? Thank you!
  8. PepsNick

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Hi, I'm looking for some Wheaten Am's... Does anyone have any eggs?
  9. PepsNick

    how much do you charge for your eggs?

    Well, it doesn't really get more city than where I live, so I get $4.00 per dozen. People here go pretty crazy for eggs from the city.
  10. PepsNick

    RIP to my Entire Flock.

    Thanks, Cyn. I'm really just thinking BR's, heritage Dels and assorted Ameraucanas. If you have any please give me a shout! How have the ones from the big hatch last year grown to be? Once again, thank you to everyone for your condolences. It really is comforting :) P.S. Yay Ellie!!
  11. PepsNick

    RIP to my Entire Flock.

    Thank you all for your well-wishes. :) It really means a lot. I was at my next door neighbor's house today checking everywhere on her coop to make sure there's no where a pest could get in. I'm certainly not keeping this dumpy coop we have now, it's really not in good shape anyway. Now that...
  12. PepsNick

    RIP to my Entire Flock.

    I'll write more on it later since I'm not in the mood right now for obvious reasons. Two days ago I noticed a gap in the hardwire cloth of my run and I didn't get a chance to fix it. Well, I did have the chance, all I had to do is go to the next door neighbors' and get the wood stapler...But I...
  13. PepsNick

    Brooders And Bators

    I currently have five brooders, and two incubators. 3 Rubbermaid totes, a small cardboard box, and a large 5 x 4 cardboard box. Chicks up to one week old stay in the totes and the small box. Then they move to the big brooder (cardboard box). The largest tote I use to dry out the chicks, and...
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