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  • Users: kcan2
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  1. kcan2

    Backyard bird convos

    ...causally observe from the window. Realistically, I'm not claiming that birds speak, but rather implying that they are hard not to listen to. 🙃 * Do not curse the king, even in your thought; do not curse the rich, even in your bedroom; for a bird of the air may carry your voice, and a...
  2. kcan2

    When faced with temptation, my rooster did not resist

    So, I have a very happy pair of small bantams that live a small bantam life in a massive chicken tractor they have all to themselves. Tractor weighs maybe 300lbs, they weigh about 3.5lbs (total combined). For such a small flock, they get along great, and my rooster is a nice gentleman to his...
  3. kcan2

    In need of plan of attack for possible ear infection

    I was told to start a thread regarding this issue so here goes; Is there anything I can buy at TSC or over he counter for a possible ear infection? My rooster has been dealing with an issue since last Oct and I have narrowed down the possibilities to a probable ear infection. Symptoms have...
  4. kcan2

    Just tried to adminster Dulcolax for possible impaction, and literally don't get it

    How in the world do you get your chicken to take this stuff? I pulled down on the wattles, opened the chicken's mouth. He closes it, I open it. Attempted to put bread tidbit soaked in Dulcolax stool softener in his mouth (he wouldn't eat the bread himself). Barely get it in, he shakes it out...
  5. kcan2

    Field Briefs from my Rooster

    First and foremost, I must report that my rooster has most thoroughly assumed and defined his role of Flock Sentinel. His innate sense of immediate danger enables him to very frequently save the other chickens from potentially disastrous fates. Naturally, this includes saving the fellow...
  6. kcan2

    Everything my rooster has taught me about leadership

    Some general observations: Leadership is assumed rather than bestowed. Further clarification of this statement is unnecessary as it is impossible. Following is still leading. A guiding set of principles is best governed by those who can best determine their own objective(s). Typically the hens...
  7. kcan2

    Can anyone walk me through flushing out a crop with water?

    I am trying to address a potential crop issue with my bantam rooster, who has been swallowing, reaching, and shaking his head in discomfort for months now (video below). Based on what I have read, flushing his crop with water seems like a natural and somewhat gentle solution to try to resolve...
  8. kcan2

    Does Chicken Organization Exist?

    Chicken stuff - has anyone figured out nifty tricks for containing things like feed, tools, or bedding? I've seen some feed and tack room organization images online, but not much for chickens! Some ideas: •Cereal containers for oyster, grit, and treats •Rolling furniture dollies under the...
  9. kcan2

    6 reasons why chickens are good at getting what they want

    Although there are undoubtedly more than 6 explanations as yet undetected despite prolonged contemplation, I would like to submit the following suppositions for review: 6 reasons why chickens (may be) good at getting what they want Disregard of foreign language barriers. Lively conversations...
  10. kcan2

    Rooster boy constantly swallowing - help

    I cannot figure this one out. My bantam boy keeps swallowing and head shaking constantly. Something is really bugging him. I don't think it's gapeworms as he has been wormed with Safeguard - 5 days, full dose. My other chicken is not doing this. I switched their feed from crumbles to pellets...
  11. kcan2

    Are wild turkeys this tame?

    A random turkey hen arrived during spring yardwork today, and I'm confused. So far, she has eaten out of my hand, stood around despite running chainsaws, took a nap in the woods, and is currently taking a dust bath in the flower bed. She chirps a lot. I'm not familiar with turkeys, but this...
  12. kcan2

    Barfighting cardinal at bedroom windows

    House under siege in northern MI, 6 degrees, 2 feet of snow. Male cardinal engaged in guerilla warfare campaign targeting all glass windows located on northeastern quadrant of domicile. Cardinal calls his reflection inflammatory names prior to repeated attacks at alternating locations...
  13. kcan2

    Seriously? Breaking Broody

    Facts: My name is pretty girl I am about 1 year old I am a sebright/d'uccle bantam mix My owner is newer to chickens (especially broodies) I lay about 8 small eggs and then go broody I do some hard time in broody jail and reluctantly snap out of it in 3-6 days, not before During this time I...
  14. kcan2

    Why do my chickens dine on dandelions?

    In addition to their normal bug-hunting, I noticed that my chickens specifically eat dandelion leaves (not the flowers) pretty often. Besides attempting to remind me to eat more salad, does anyone know why they like dandelion leaves so much? They actually have me wondering of there is...
  15. kcan2

    Incredible awful grain/mold mite infestation keeping me awake at night!

    The culprit: 50lb flock raiser crumbles from Purina. Our entire garage is completely infested with grain mites which I didn't notice until I noticed (or felt) them crawling up my arm after I scooped out some feed. I could tell you my long, sad story about our attempts to battle these creatures...
  16. kcan2

    Any creative builders out there that could offer automatic chicken door input?

    Any ideas as to how I could flush mount an automatic coop door around the white 2 x 4 trim pieces? You can see how the edges jut out around the door (red arrows). Also pictured: the coop door from the inside.
  17. kcan2

    Do raised scales always mean scaly leg mites?

    I noticed today that my hen's feet are looking a little rough. Which confuses me, because she has not been outside very much all winter. My coop had been parked in the garage, with pine shavings that are changed frequently, and a sand bath. Any ideas why her scales might look this way?
  18. kcan2

    Chicken TV

    ISO chickens watching chickens! In light of recent events, have anyone else's chickens been binge-watching youtube? Here is a picture of my hen watching hens while enjoying a snack. Of course, she doesn't consider herself a pet or anything like that.
  19. kcan2

    My feeder has a bottomless pit...

    ...3-4 inches or so, so pellets don't end up in the bottomless pit and never get touched (or moldy). Has anyone had any success with blocking off the bottom portion on an apparatus like this - other than filling the bottom with cement? *Edited to show part I would like to block off circled in red
  20. kcan2

    Can chickens eat chia?

    Random question: I have this huge amount of chia seeds that no one in my house seems to want to eat, so I was wondering, can I safely feed them in some form to my chickens? Maybe sprout them? If so, how do I do that? Thoughts/experiences?
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