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  1. UncleHoot

    Difference between chickens and ducks

    My neighbor had 3 Pekin ducks that he didn't want. They're about 12 weeks old, and I'm planning to process them this weekend. I know how everything works with chickens. Can I assume that ducks are pretty similar internally? Are there any differences that I should be warned about? Any...
  2. UncleHoot

    I'm selling my meaties!

    It's fun! ...for awhile... Pretty soon, you'll start getting orders for 5, 10, 20, or even 30 or more. Then it might start to feel like work. Even so, it's work that I enjoy. I'm a computer programmer for 8 hrs/day, so raising chickens is about as far away as I can get from my real job...
  3. UncleHoot

    Heat help

    I lost a few to the heat one year (and I'm hoping I don't lose any today and tomorrow). I found that simply moving the water into the shade helps quite a bit. For whatever reason, they become so afraid of the sun that they won't even walk to the waterer. I also had someone suggest freezing...
  4. UncleHoot

    Bresse Chickens

    Quote: D'où? Pardon my French. From where? I'm really curious. Or did someone smuggle them out, in which case you'd have to kill us, if you told us?
  5. UncleHoot

    A trip back in time

    Quote: I didn't even catch the telegraph reference! My friend pointed out the 3 digit telephone number, though. I guess it would have to be a big town to have more than 1,000 phone numbers? LOL!
  6. UncleHoot

    Slaughtering a muscovy duck?

    Perhaps I don't know the proper "technique", but my experience with trying to snap a chicken's neck went horribly wrong, and I felt bad for making it suffer for so long. She was an egg eater, and I caught her in the act of breaking them open. Anyway, the neck would not snap, but after she was...
  7. UncleHoot

    A trip back in time

    A friend of mine found this in his shed. The Mr. Luther mentioned in the advertisement used to own his property. We're pretty sure this is from the 1930's. Anyway, it's pretty humorous to read now. Broilers that attain 4 lbs at only 10 weeks? OMG! It really shows you how much things...
  8. UncleHoot

    best tasting breed

    The oldest hen will probably taste the strongest, if that's what you're after. I do not believe that one breed necessarily tests better than any other, but the age of the chicken does make a difference. But with age comes tough and stringy meat. So, it's always a trade-off between flavor and...
  9. UncleHoot

    Meat prices $$$$$

    True Organic? Keep in mind that if you use that word, you MUST feed them organic feed, otherwise you're doing something technically illegal. My chickens are "all natural" and "pasture-raised". I sell them at $2/lb, dressed weight. If I had to feed them organic feed, my feed costs would...
  10. UncleHoot

    feed 12 on 12 off for Ranger chicks??

    Meat chickens go crazy when you bring out the feed. If you let them run out, they will get crazier. Nevertheless, this forum is generally divided on this issue. Lots of folks swear by the 12x12 concept with CX's. So, extending it to Rangers should not hurt. My chickens have feed 24x7.
  11. UncleHoot

    At what age do cornish do without heat?

    Agreeing with above, and just adding that at 3 weeks, it is said that can withstand freezing temperatures outdoors (32 F), but I like to be a bit more cautious, and try to make sure that temps are 40's or more at night when they are that young. Certainly by 4 weeks, they should be able to...
  12. UncleHoot

    Got 'em! 150 Colored Range Broilers (aka Freedom Rangers)

    Quote: Sorry for the extremely late reply, I don't hang around here much during winter months. 1. Foraging: They forage much more than a cornish x. They forage much less than a classic egg-layer. They would much rather eat the feed than to walk around eating other things, but that doesn't...
  13. UncleHoot

    Got 'em! 150 Colored Range Broilers (aka Freedom Rangers)

    I never followed up on the weights, and unfortunately, I don't really have any more information. I intended to pull the chickens out of our freezer and record the weights. Unfortunately, many of the chickens froze in place or froze to each other, which would have made it really difficult to...
  14. UncleHoot

    Cost of raising cornish X

    Great price, yes. For me to order, feed, and process a chicken would be $7+. And that doesn't include anything like housing, feeders, waterers, etc. But, of course, you don't get the fun of "doing it yourself".
  15. UncleHoot

    Water for pasture pens

    I have one with the screw-on top. My wife likes it as well, since she can fill it in the pen, using a hose. Mine holds 5+ gallons. On summer days, with 75 chickens in the pen, they can easily go through 5 gallons. I simply made it a habit to fill the waterers in the morning and evenings...
  16. UncleHoot

    Got 'em! 150 Colored Range Broilers (aka Freedom Rangers)

    Quote: Yep, 11 weeks probably would have been ideal. I didn't know that about that Label Rouge birds. Thanks for sharing.
  17. UncleHoot

    Got 'em! 150 Colored Range Broilers (aka Freedom Rangers)

    Quote: We forgot to write down the weights before we stuffed them into our freezer. They're all weighed and labeled, but we'd have to pull them out, write it down, then stick them back in. I am planning to do that, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm a bit of a stats geek...
  18. UncleHoot

    100+ naked necks,100+ Guinea's, soon 100+ red rangers

    Naked Necks make good eats. Or so I've read. They are very popular as a meat chicken in France.
  19. UncleHoot

    My Colored Ranger ~vs~ X-rock Experience

    Quote: Mine at TWO tons. But seriously, I had a very positive experience with them. I cut up some of them last week, and we ate some legs and thighs last night. They were oven-fried. The taste was incredible, but the legs are definitely a bit harder to eat. For me, that's a non-issue...
  20. UncleHoot

    Got 'em! 150 Colored Range Broilers (aka Freedom Rangers), or else I pulled them out. It's not a big deal for me to eat it like that, but it may have turned-off our customers. That much bothers me. *Edited to add that we had 3 chickens over 8 lbs, dressed. 2 of them were just shy of 8 1/2 lbs. I think the smallest was just over 4 lbs...
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