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  1. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Neat tool to check the incoming/outgoing duck migration levels in your area. Also tells you if the current population is high or low (for hunters).
  2. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Yeah....unfortunately I got Mareks when I started my flock 8 yrs ago. I thought I was being a super responsible new chicken owner, found a local NPIP breeder and bought some fancy chicks, then since he had so many birds I offered to buy a couple of "special needs chickens". Special needs came...
  3. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    I would think the main worry is a bunch of people bringing birds to one spot (where they can infect each other) then selling/swapping them which could cross infect a bunch of other flocks. Realistically the chicken feed isle at TSC is just as likely to harbor infected poop tracked in on shoes...
  4. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    ...settings the birds are typically exposed to much lower levels. The age of the bird will also affect the fatality rate so if the clinicians actually *want* 90-100% morbidity results there are numerous ways to achieve that goal...
  5. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    But he is representing the NC State Agriculture Department! Farming, livestock, poultry etc...not "pets". Guessing he is a small animal vet that was appointed to that position because he was someone's "friend".
  6. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    The State Vet is turning out these ambiguous statements. Then later he says "pet stores" are not included? many pet stores sell chicks? I am sure some do somewhere but the vast majority are sold through feed stores not "pet stores". What planet is that guy on?
  7. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Their ability to communicate clearly is lacking. Since they list "swap meets, auctions, etc..." listing "public sales" makes no sense. Sounds like feed store owners were concerned it would affect them too.
  8. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Okay I am hearing reports from people I know that chick sales are still going on in NC stores. There are multiple articles AND a statement on the NC Ag .gov website saying "public sales are suspended from April 5th to May 1st" but now I wonder how they define a "public sale". I try hard to...
  9. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    The CDC is the one claiming it has a 90-100% fatality rate. At this point I would not believe a single thing the CDC says about ANYTHING unless I found other independent sources to verify their claim. They have just "made stuff up" countless times then later admitted they knew it wasn't true all...
  10. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Sounds smart. Fact is if you sold chicks/birds to someone and then later they had an AI outbreak (from another source) you would likely be on the state's radar and get a visit which would put your flock in danger. The less documented contact we have with others the better. There are probably...
  11. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Yes it is possible for it to be tracked in but the smaller the viral load, the less likely (or milder) the illness usually is since the immune system has more time to stop it. A very small dose could easily cause antibodies/immunity with no illness whatsoever. The studies from other countries...
  12. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    It was mentioned on another platform. The poster said she got a text message from a TSC employee saying all the chicks in NC stores were culled overnight. I thought it sounded bogus but now believe it is true after I saw the article on the ban of public sales. If TSC had chicks in stock and...
  13. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    I am watching this closely. My feed store is supposed to get a shipment in from Hoover's next week. I need 2-3 chicks for a broody. I would buy them tomorrow if they had any compatible breeds. Though NC had several domestic flocks infected, my state hasn't had any. Even if our lawmakers...
  14. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    This is horrible. A poster on another platform just said Tractor Supply culled all chicks in North Carolina last night. I thought the post was bogus since they get their chicks from Hoover's and an AI incident would be a nationwide problem. See article, sounds like the cull really did happen...
  15. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    The 8 Georgia cases were WILD birds. No cases of infected flocks so far in our state last time I checked. H5N1 has been circulating since at least 2005 in the migratory birds so it has been in our state and all others for quite some time but it is just now causing more of a problem in commercial...
  16. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    I have not watched any videos of state culls but I heard they use foam. They wouldn't want owners to cull the birds themselves due to the infinitesimal chance of it causing an infection in the human.
  17. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Look at the mortality rate of layers that got H5N1 in Nigeria, it is 11%, no where near the 90-100% that the CDC cites. Plus the study looked at 153 infected farms which is a very large sampling. "Mortality rates were 11.11% in commercial layers, 26.84% in pullets, 45.51% in cockerels, and...
  18. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    Exactly! Does anyone know how it goes down when they show up to test a flock? Can owners buy time by demanding a warrant? Or do our Constitutional rights not apply in this case?
  19. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    I believe most wild waterfowl now survive H5N1 just fine (or soon will if they don't already). Turning in the liver of game ducks would probably be enough for the state to test for a previous infection.
  20. Sonya9

    Avian influenza found in South Carolina

    I am sure most everyone in Iowa is concerned right now. I live in Georgia and they banned poultry shows and swap meets in February but we haven't had even one case of it in domestic flocks, just a handful of wild bird cases. Course that also depends on how many wild birds are sent in for...
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