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  • Users: AJ666
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  1. AJ666

    Why arent they laying?

    I have 6 hens and a rooster. They were laying just fine about a month ago, then they just stopped. One molted and finished molting, now three are in the process of molting. I could understand why they wouldnt lay eggs but there are three other hens not molting that could be. At the moment, we...
  2. AJ666

    R.I.P Little girl <3 :(

    ...It is under two months until her first birthday. It breaks my heart that she didnt make it a year with her sisters. Chicken farmers? They dont care* when one of their birds winds up dead. But me? Oh, I care* alright. My birds arent my money makers, they are my PETS, my BABIES. I raised all...
  3. AJ666

    How do you keep chickens out of a flower garden?!

    They love to eat the plants and fling the mulch around. I'm worried my mom will kill them soon. (Its her garden) How do you keep chickens out of a garden? Fencing? I dont know please help me here!!
  4. AJ666

    How do you keep chickens out of a flower garden?!

    They love to eat the plants and fling the mulch around. I'm worried my mom will kill them soon. (Its her garden) How do you keep chickens out of a garden? Fencing? I dont know please help me here!!
  5. AJ666

    Worried for my roo.. :(

    So my EE roo, "Lil Roo" (Yeah real creative, I know) is almost a year old. Maybe 10 1/2 months? Well, whenever we take a step towards him, he hops in the air and challenges us, lunges at us, but never actually touches up. Whenever I hold one of the girls, he like gets take over by jealousy and...
  6. AJ666

    Is it a favorties thing?

    My favorite EE loves to be held and petted and hugged and walked around with, but she is the lowest on the pecking order and is harrased hard by the other hens, especially her EE sister. I hear similar stories from other members all the time. Is it because I give her special attention that they...
  7. AJ666

    Worried about her!

    My EE hen Big Girl has always been at the bottom of the pecking order, but lately shes been getting very beat up by the other hens, and her back is getting torn up by our rooster. I'm afraid she wont have any feathers left soon! And she loves to be held and is such a sweetheart and every time I...
  8. AJ666

    Any one elses chickens HATE the snow?

    Thats right, my girls feets havent touched the snow covered ground since we could SEE the ground. They stand in the doorway, stare at it, and turn their butts around to go back inside. Alot of other people on here talk and post pictures of theirs outside enjoying the snow. Mine? NO.
  9. AJ666

    When do hens start sitting on eggs?

    Im not planning on hatching any, but im just wondering. All my girls are about 6.5 months old. They started laying about a month ago, but my EEs just started, if it matters.
  10. AJ666

    Any one Else give their chickies presents this Holiday Season??

    I know I did! I got them a big honkin tub of yogurt They loved it!
  11. AJ666

    Can you spot the odd one out?? *PICS*

    My EE, Pacobean, has layed her first egg! It is a lovely light green color. She is the fourth out of my 6 hens to start laying. Just two more to go, an they are EEs too! Here she is:
  12. AJ666

    Can you spot the odd one out?? *PICS*

    My EE, Pacobean, has layed her first egg! It is a lovely light green color. She is the fourth out of my 6 hens to start laying. Just two more to go, an they are EEs too! Here she is:
  13. AJ666

    Complaining or egg-song?

    I have an EE and shes getting to be about that age. Shes exactly 6 months old two days ago. She makes a sound that I think may be egg song but it also sounds like shes complaining about how shes cold or something like that. mIve seen her and my roo mating once and her comb isnt that red. What...
  14. AJ666

    Buff Orp has Frostbite...

    Is there anything I can do?
  15. AJ666

    Sneezing... shold I be worried?

    I am currently wondering if my chickens have colds or something. They have begun to sneeze. Not very often, but just once in a while. Are they sick or something?
  16. AJ666

    Anyone else tak their chickens for a walk??? :D

    I had to take my dog for a walk today, and I know that my poor chickies are bored holed up because of the snow. So I went to the coop, scooped up my darling little EE, tucked her in my coat, and headed out. I think she even enjoyed herself a little
  17. AJ666

    *Urgent* How do I get my girls to lay in the nest box?

    I just got my first egg yesterday, and that was layed on the floor even though I have seen the one who layed it messing around in the nest box. My BO is laying too, but she lays off their roost, so they fall to the floor and crack. How do I get them to go in the nest box?!
  18. AJ666

    Surprise!!!! =d

    !!!!! I found my first egg today!!!! It wasnt layed in the nest box. I found it randomly lying on the floor. But I do know that my little Domonique girl layed it. SHe has been squatting and singing egg song for a few days, and none of the other chickens have! I am...
  19. AJ666

    Surprise!!! =D

    !!!!! I found my first egg today!!!! It wasnt layed in the nest box. I found it randomly lying on the floor. But I do know that my little Domonique girl layed it. SHe has been squatting and singing egg song for a few days, and none of the other chickens have! I am soooo happy and...
  20. AJ666

    Out of the following breeds...

    which one lays first??? RIR Buff Orphington Domonique or EE
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