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  • Users: Mum
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  1. Mum

    Wish me luck: course tomorrow to teach me how to do the deed.

    A few months ago, I booked up for me and my 18yo son to attend a day course to learn how to kill and dress ducks and rabbits. Tomorrow is the day! Seemed like a great idea when I booked it ....
  2. Mum

    Watched my duck lay an egg.

    Usually, they girls lay in their house and it's all over with by the time they are let out in the morning. I'm fine with that Yesterday, no egg; fair enough, not a problem. So, its early afternoon and I notice Queenie acting strangely and the other ladies going up to her and they are all...
  3. Mum

    This cannot be comfortable; really?

    Having a cuppa in the garden with the ducklings; I adore it when they have their "ballerina stretch" but I think Pikkle is taking this a bit far
  4. Mum

    Mysterious "lame" duck.

    Enjoying the garden with the ducks yesterday; all well and happy. I need to go indoors for some jobs and a few moments later, my son tells me Liz is limping. I was totally unconcerned because I'd just been out there with them and they were all fine. Popped back out a bit later and sure...
  5. Mum

    Duckings: you turn your back for 2 minutes

    ... and just like little children, they use that moment to get into mischief! Because the weather has been so beautiful, the past three days I've been taking the two ducklings out into the garden; the older ducks have been curious about them but, because I'm around, there have been no issues...
  6. Mum

    Bold Herring Gull getting aggressive with my ducks

    My ducks free range my garden; nesting on a nearby house are a pair of Herring Gulls. A few days ago, I went to give the flock their corn treat and one HG was trying to "blend in". I chased it off. This morning, as I have my morning cuppa, I saw my little flock marching past the patio...
  7. Mum

    Day 29 and no internal pipping.

    Title says it all really. There is a good size air sac though. What would you do?
  8. Mum

    If an egg under a broody got a cracked 'dent' in the shell half way through incubation; would you ab

    ... you ditch it? I have to say that I did. But, I've been pondering this ever since. The duckling would still have been given a certain amount of protection from the membrane; but, equally once the shell is fractured surely its just a matter of time before nasties get into the egg...
  9. Mum

    My Khaki Experience.

    I have a trio: drake, duck and a white khaki duck. I get one white egg and one blue egg. Never sure which duck laid which colour egg. When I tried to hatch eggs in the min incubator, only the white egg was successful. The duckling is black all over (and now nearly 3weeks old). Not sure...
  10. Mum

    URGENT: Day 30 KC egg: problem

    It is day 30 of my broody bantam sitting on a Khaki Campbell egg. (Three others had to be disposed of over time; the third one today at first light) Tapping sounds since day 28 and definate, loud (!) peep-peeps today in the remaining egg. Problem: Henny has had enough and is no longer...
  11. Mum

    How many peas are too many peas????

    Ok, I learned from here that peas are the way to a duck(lings) heart: no kidding Sherlock!! But, no one mentioned the ferocious appetite they have for peas!!!! Its never ending! So, how many peas are too many peas? 1oz? 2oz? 8oz???? I'd like my ducks healthy with an all round...
  12. Mum

    Growing your own food: April 2012

    Anyone planting their own food this year? I have taken root cuttings from my rosemary bush Planted 18 strawberry plants (only 4 showing signs of growth though) Tomato seedlings are ready for potting on Rhubarb is flourishing Garden mint is showing signs of renewal Chives are looking happy...
  13. Mum

    We have a new section? Gardening!!!!

    Ok all you green thumbs, what are you growing? Any particularly duck/chicken friendly plants you could recommend?
  14. Mum

    When do eggs wobble?

    ...until hatch. I was standing by the incubator tending to my 2 IR ducklings when I heard a "wobble" from the eggs in the incubator. But, I didn't *see* it, only *heard* it. So, it got me thinking: when do ducks eggs "wobble"? Or, am I just imagining things? The incubator is...
  15. Mum

    3 chickens losing feathers from their throats?

    They are healthy in every other way; laying like clockwork, but I've noticed 3 of my girls have lost feathers from their throat area. Anyone have any ideas?
  16. Mum

    Mixing mixed aged ducklings?

    Yesterday, for Easter, I was given 2 indian runner ducklings as a gift. One is 2wks old, one is 3wks old (ish!). Now, in 10 days time, my incubator tells me I will have 2 ducklings hatch. Two weeks after that, my broody hen will (hopefully!) successfully hatch 4 duck eggs. So, the plan...
  17. Mum

    2 x 1 week old indian runner ducklings!

    In approximately half an hour's time, I will have 2 one week old IR ducklings arriving for my Easter treat!!! I'm so excited! I've recycled the old hamster cage into duckling box for them (as a temporary measure). I've lined it with old towels ... got a lamp ready ... used an old plastic...
  18. Mum

    World's rarest ducks hatch

    This is amazing!
  19. Mum

    Can I alter my "page views" to more than 10 posts per page?

    It's tiresome scrolling through numerous 'pages' to see the replies; on other forums, it is possible to set the number of posts per page (in some cases, as many as 50 posts per page), but, I haven't fathomed if it is possible to do that here, and, if it is, how to do it? Too many "pages" of...
  20. Mum

    In the wild, when a hen goes broody and raises her chicks ...

    ... would she naturally seperate herself from the rest of the flock, or, still remain within the flock? The reason I ask is because I was under the impression that we (humans) remove/isolate a broody and subsequent chicks on the basis the chicks may get attacked/eaten by the adult members of...
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