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  1. Stellasmomma

    Dosage of Carprofen for injured duck

    Hello all my sweet Indian runner duck Dolly was injured yesterday when an Eagle attempted to take her fortunately my dog stopped the Eagle but it did drop her from about 3 feet. She is walking but no quacking and is clearly shaken up. She made it through the night and she has no obvious injuries...
  2. Stellasmomma

    Is this Chick Frizzle?

    Hello all, I have started my Serama breeding program and had my first egg hatch a week before Christmas, one of my hens hatched 2 sweet babies. I have one Pullet and One Cockerel. Both the parents are smooth feathered however this little Pullet looks like maybe she's a frizzle? I dont have any...
  3. Stellasmomma

    Looking for good Info on breeding Serama's to breed standard

    Hi Friends I have fallen in love with Serama's and have hatched my first group of eggs that I purchased from a show breeder. My goal is to learn the standards so I can start a breeding program. However I am having some trouble finding any good books or info online to help me out I can find some...
  4. Stellasmomma

    Scaly leg mites?

    Hi Friends! I have attached some photos from my old girl she's my oldest hen at 5 yrs I check out my hens each day just a quick once over and have been looking at Nuggets feet doe this look like scaly leg mites to anyone? If it is I believe its early but early treatment is best! She is not going...
  5. Stellasmomma

    I was told these were Araucana's

    Hello Chicken friends! I picked up these lil ones from my local TSC they were labeled as Araucana's I have not had good luck with getting the breed I thought I was getting this year. I purchased silver laced Sussex and got Black Marans LOL ( I wanted Marans so that turned out well! ) this is...
  6. Stellasmomma

    What am I???

    HI ! This little Bantam came in a group of 5 I got they are now 8 weeks old the other 4 turned out to be OEGB but this guy is different does anyone know what breed he is?? Thanks!
  7. Stellasmomma

    Black Australorp? Cockerel??

    HI peeps! I was told these chicks were pullets and that they were Black Australorps this does seem correct based on the pictures I have seen but this one is suspicious the tail is held high the chest out and has more of a comb then the others they are about 9 weeks old what do you think? So far...
  8. Stellasmomma

    Not the breed I purchased so what is it???

    HI !! I thought I was purchasing silver laced Sussex chicks ..... well that is clearly not what I got LOL I got these little cuties they are 5 weeks old now I am hoping someone can tell me what I have here thanks!
  9. Stellasmomma

    What breed Bantams did I get?

    HI everyone! I got some Misc. Bantam chicks (that's how they were sold) and I wondered if anyone can tell me what breed they might be? They are about 3 weeks old and are super sweet Please forgive my dirty fingernails I was working in my greenhouse!
  10. Stellasmomma

    Can I put Pellet bedding in my duck run??

    Hello all, I have had my 2 beautiful ducks for almost a year, they have a small run and duck house that they are in at night and free range with the chickens in the day. The issue I am having is the mud in the pen they have a small pool in there that they love and play in (and I swear sleep in...
  11. Stellasmomma

    What breed did I get?

    HI Friends! I just picked up some new chicks as my flock is getting older. I picked several breeds but three are dark in color I am supposed to have barred rock (love this breed!) Silver laced Sussex (new to me I have speckled Sussex and love them!) and Black Australorps (also new to me) From...
  12. Stellasmomma

    Laying ages

    Hello! I was curious at what age to chickens slow or stop laying? At what age are laying hens considered old? My oldest hens are 4 and they have slowed down in laying even this past summer they do not lay as much as they used to. My husband said its because they are older now and we need to get...
  13. Stellasmomma

    Sick chicken

    Hello friends, I need advice one of my 2 yr old brahmas appears to be sick or at least not feeling 100% I noticed she was lying around and then her sister started picking on her I went and picked her right up (not normal) No runny nose or sneezing or breathing problems is eating and drinking (I...
  14. Stellasmomma

    Hoping to tell gender

    HI All, I posted earlier trying to see if anyone had some guesses on gender of these chicks they are silkie mixes so I know that can be hard one of them is 14,5 weeks the other two are 12.5 weeks. I am hoping that if it is thought these are males that I can rehome them while they are still...
  15. Stellasmomma

    Can you tell what Gender they are??

    HI ! I had two broody hens this fall and one of my Barred rocks managed to hoard 3 eggs (long story) she hatched one and then left the other two so my very good always broody silkie took over the nest and hatched the other two. I know who the dad is but not sure who the actual momma is, two of...
  16. Stellasmomma

    Hens bullying rooster

    I hope this is the right area to post this, I have 16 hens of various breeds and one Silkie mix Roo, I didnt have much luck with my hatches and chick purchases this Spring and ended up with 7 out of 10 being roo's. I rehomed all but one a very handsome silkie mix Roo who has a great demeaner...
  17. Stellasmomma

    Females? When do they start laying?

    HI all! I am new to ducks and this spring got two ducklings they are now around 17 weeks old and I believe they are both female, I don't see any drake curl and they are both really loud! LOL can anyone confirm? Also when should they start laying? I have heard different ages so I thought I would...
  18. Stellasmomma

    My 2 ducks are fighting one is a bully!!! Help!

    Hi Friends! I am new to ducks, I got two ducklings on may 20th a white crested and a blue runner they have been together since I got them and have always got along well and seemed very bonded. Fast forward to today and I found the runner duck grabbing my poor crested by the hair tuff and...
  19. Stellasmomma

    Help with Broody Silkie Hen

    Hello all, I have a silkie hen who hatched 5 chicks on April 8th she raised them and stayed by their side until they were 9 weeks old then she went back to just being a sweet little hen she went broody again about 3 weeks ago however I do not want any more chicks this year so she has no eggs to...
  20. Stellasmomma

    Confused do I have 4 Silkie Roo's?

    Hello friends, I purchased 5 fertile silkie eggs for my broody silkie momma to hatch on April 8th all 5 hatched yay! so they are now 14 weeks old I thought I had 1 Roo who I am told is a Satin or just a silkie mix and likely male now I thought the rest were girls but to my surprise one of the...
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