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  1. Smithyard Farm

    Turkey poult pecked by chickens

    I have a Turkey poult that got out of the brooder and into the chicken coop. Was pecked on very badly. The poult is 4 weeks old and has about a 2 -2 1/2inch diameter area where they pulled the skin completely off. Any chance she will make it? Or should I put her out of her misery? She is...
  2. Smithyard Farm

    5 week old rooster - fighting already??

    I have 8 chicks still in the brooder.. clearly I have at least 2 roos in there. their combs are way bigger and already turning red. One of them is fighting already with the other roo, and two of my EEs that I don't know if hen or roo yet. Will a roo seek out another roo at this age? or is...
  3. Smithyard Farm

    What charateristics of a buff orp roo will show through when bread with others

    Hi all! my friend gave me some eggs to hatch for her and I was wondering what the chickies were going to look like. She has golden comets, speckled Sussex, buff Brahmas and Light Brahmas. and one lone silver laced wyandotte. Anyone have any ideas?
  4. Smithyard Farm

    pip at wrong end - opinion?

    will this chick get out of the shell? I wanna go to bed! I can see the beak but it has been at this spot for about 3 hours now. no progress.
  5. Smithyard Farm

    candle pic - double yolker?

    is this a double yolker? see the "v"....? should I get rid of it now or wait and see....?
  6. Smithyard Farm

    Set eggs today Saturday 2/22 - anyone else?

    I have 48 eggs in the bator!! all kinds... EEs, OEs, gold laced wyandottes and a bunch of mutt marans. anyone else setting today??
  7. Smithyard Farm

    bloody(?) poop... (icky pic included)

    I went to clean my coop out this am, and found this ; its sorta stringy... what could it be from?
  8. Smithyard Farm

    chicken feet for dogs

    can anyone tell me what they do to the feet after processing to feed to the dogs? do you just dry them? I have a bunch n my freezer that I don't know what to do with thanks!
  9. Smithyard Farm

    seeds vs starts....

    ~~seeds vs starts.... which do you prefer and why?
  10. Smithyard Farm

    12 week old integration - layer feed okay??

    getting ready to move 12 week olds in with 4 older ones. My dumb question is about feeding them.... I have the 4 on layer feed. is that okay to switch the younger ones to that a such a young age, or should I wait longer?? I see others posting they are integrating them, and so must be feeding...
  11. Smithyard Farm

    Thawed turkey

    How long is a thawed turkey good for? Or how long is a processed turkey good for?
  12. Smithyard Farm

    Turkey with bum foot (toes actually)

    Hi all... I finally was able to track down a couple turkey poults about three weeks or so ago... one flew the coop so to say.. and one has a bad foot. The toes are very floppy and turn inward. She walks on the sides instead of the bottom, if that makes sense. I can not believe I did not...
  13. Smithyard Farm

    Turkey with bum foot (toes actually)

    Hi all... I finally was able to track down a couple turkey poults about three weeks or so ago... one flew the coop so to say.. and one has a bad foot. The toes are very floppy and turn inward. She walks on the sides instead of the bottom, if that makes sense. I can not believe I did not...
  14. Smithyard Farm

    incubated eggs / broody hen.. can they mix?

    I have some shipped eggs in the bator that really look like they are going to need help hatching.. I initially wanted to let my broody hen, Henrietta, who is more broody than not, hatch them.. but am concerned about the air cells. can I hatch tem in the bator and then sneak them under her...
  15. Smithyard Farm

    Help! in middle of processing - green wing?

    I just pulled bird and started my duties... after it had passed and I pulled it from the cone, I noticed one of the wings is blueish-green.... is that normal... is it okay to continue? I have done 9 others... and no green wings on them...
  16. Smithyard Farm

    processing tomorrow - what do you do with the "extra" parts?

    Hello all - Processing 12 meaties tomorrow. In all posts I have read, I can not seem to find out what people do with the "leftovers". We plan to have the blood drain into a bucket... then what? are the feathers useful in the compost pile? will the breakdown enough? and what about the...
  17. Smithyard Farm

    Setting Eggs Saturday April 20... anyone else?

    I have 15 eggs ready to go! 8 Silver sussex and 7 Lav orps... anyone else setting tomorrow? looking for hatch buddies
  18. Smithyard Farm

    i hear peeping!

    Peeping coming from one of the 7 eggs under my broody! I didn't know you could hear it befoer they hatched! what now? how long. I am so excited!!
  19. Smithyard Farm

    Broody - do i need to move her?

    I have a broody hen - yea! i was taking eggs out from under her for about a week and a half.. much to her dismay... I finally left her a couple and for the last week, I have only seen her off the eggs once... My question is two part... one.. she is currently in the coop with everyone else...
  20. Smithyard Farm

    Help! Is this molting.... oh my.....

    My hen Oreo is losing all her feathers...... We were away on vacation for two weeks, and trhis mornign was the first time I got to play with the chickies.... She looks like she has gone thru a war!! Her bottom is almost completely gone Her sides, and under her wings are gone...
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