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  1. Raisingpeeps

    Gosling walking backwards

    Friday I was at the feed store and happened to notice a gosling laying on it's back. Clerk said head injury and offered to give it to me if I took the other two. I did. Within 30 minutes of getting home, one gosling had died (not the injured one). It laid down, refused to eat or drink and passed...
  2. Raisingpeeps

    Baby struggling

    Thoughts needed. Three day old baby chick got away from its mom and got pecked. Cleaned it up and put back with mom. Next morning it wasn't walking and peeped constantly. I have it in the house in a brooder- it's been 24 hours. Not eating or drinking on own and just lies in the brooder. I have...
  3. Raisingpeeps

    Sneezing and only sneezing

    So here I am over a week later and I still have just one hen and our roo sneezing. Initially they sounded raspy but that passed after two days of VetRX and vitamin water. Now they just sneeze occasionally. They are quarantined, still very active, eating, drinking, laying etc.... What the heck is...
  4. Raisingpeeps

    Sneezing and barking

    I've read till my eyes are falling out and I'm still not sure what the heck is going on. My rooster started mumbling to himself three days ago and sneezing occasionally. Two days ago his crow became weaker and seemed strained. Yesterday he continued the above mentioned issues but more loudly...
  5. Raisingpeeps

    Help,,, new Momma Hen question

    This is my first hatch and I am a wreck! One of my Buff Orpington had been broody for months so I gave her a few eggs to hatch. She did great and two of three hatched. One died today and the remaining is three days old. I picked up two seven day old chicks from a friend and planned to sneak...
  6. Raisingpeeps

    Mucus and bugs

    I adopted 4 silkies today ( two female and two male). The pairs came from two different homes and are in quarantine in two separate areas of my home and completely seperate from my flock. The first pair has a couple of very small, very fast light colored bugs on them. Not many that I could...
  7. Raisingpeeps

    Cochin roosters

    We ordered straight run Cochins and surprise surprise 5 of the 6 were roosters. The two Partridge Roos are evil and we need to cull. They just turned 16 weeks old. What is the best age for Cochin to be culled and eaten? Thank for the advice!
  8. Raisingpeeps

    Nine week old chicken pooping bllod

    Hello- my nine week old cockerel is pooping blood, lethargic and puffed up. Still eating and drinking. Just started this morning with the symptoms. I am headed to town to pick up medication- corid. Do I need to treat my whole flock? Should I just put the meds in his water or give through a...
  9. Raisingpeeps

    Help- I'm an addict!

    So I am relatively new at raising chickens. We started last year with two Buff Orpingtons, a black australorp, a silver laced wyandotte, a cherry egger, and two easter eggers. When we moved to the country we added a barred rock roo. (8 total) Well this spring chicken math has hit and BAD! We...
  10. Raisingpeeps

    Sick chick rescue

    We stopped at the area feed store and while looking at the chicks my daughter spied not one, but two, sickly babies being trampled. One had the worst case of pasty butt and the other seems unable to stand. Both are lethargic- not eating or drinking. I cleaned the pasty but and gave them...
  11. Raisingpeeps

    Babies to coop

    I need your thoughts on my plan for integrating my babies to the coop with the big girls. I have seven hens and a roo in my coop. The coop is 10x10 and the run is 30x20 plus they free range 75% of the time. I have 16 pullets that are 5 weeks old and fully feathered. No heat light now but they...
  12. Raisingpeeps

    Lethargic hen

    We adopted a rooster, same age as our seven hens, and four days ago we finally introduced him to the ladies. He dances and does the wing flap and is very gentle when mating- no loss of any feathers. The problem is he has one hen that always allows him to mate and none of the others will let him...
  13. Raisingpeeps

    Hen not laying and leaking egg whites

    Help- my hen stopped laying three days ago. She's an every other day layer and has been laying about two weeks. I noticed yesterday she was going in and out of her nesting box and never laying. Then she would lay on the ground. After about an hour she would eat and drink and hang out with the...
  14. Raisingpeeps

    First night in coop

    My babies are 6 weeks old and fully feathered and tonight is their first night in the coop--- I am terrified! :( we placed a heat lamp in there but they are still running around and chirping loudly. I've never heard them this upset before.... Is this normal? I seriously want to spend the night...
  15. Raisingpeeps

    Electric poultry netting

    Hello everyone! We have a pre existing metal fence that we are using for our chicken run. It's six feet tall but we are considering the best way to make it predator proof. Can electrified poultry netting be used in conjunction with wire fencing? Or would hardware cloth be a better option...
  16. Raisingpeeps

    Fencing concerns

    Hello everyone- I have been reading about different ideas on securing my ladies when they move outside to the coop but I am so worried that I want to just keep them inside forever. The coop is a metal frame with tons of hardware cloth on all vents and predator proof locks. It's my run I worry...
  17. Raisingpeeps

    Chicken run predator proof

    We are building a coop and run for our new chickens. I have read up on predator proofing the coop and I am feeling that it will be very secure. The run itself is set in a concrete foundation (old greenhouse foundation) and we have the hardware mesh for the bottom 4 feet of the fencing. Our...
  18. Raisingpeeps

    West central illinois

    Hello everyone! I have no chicks yet but am in the "nesting" process :-). Hubby and I are laying the groundwork and completing the research to provide the best possible home for the chicks. We have a big run area that's fenced in and the coop will be created by a local Amish family. Feed and...
  19. Raisingpeeps

    Chicken mommy wannabe

    Hello all from Illinois! I have no chickens yet but am hoping to start a flock in the next month. My grandmother raised chickens in her farm and I helped her every summer. I live in town, versus my grandmothers farm, so my flock will be a bit smaller. I will be raising pet chickens (egg layers)...
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