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  1. analyticalblonde

    Americauna Hen turned Rooster...kindof

    Hi All! I have a 3 1/2 old Americauna that within the last 24 hours has gone "Rooster". I have read other posts here and have come to the conclusion she is exerting dominance. She lays beautiful greenish-blue eggs and have had her for so many years, that there is no confusion about sex...
  2. analyticalblonde

    Heat Stress Not Abating...And Now This...! Weird Mass

    Hi All, I really need help on this one... Back Story...Four nights ago, I noticed my Lavender Buff Orpington (Legs) not seated properly, kindof frompy and a little lop sided) on the roost bar in our coop. I thought she was trying to recover from the massive heat we have been having. I have...
  3. analyticalblonde

    Is It Too Soon To Reintroduce Back Into Flock After Serious Injury???

    Nine days ago, I found my Lavender Orphinton had been mauled by what started as overzealous breeding of my Cockerel who has started mounting my girls. It appeared he had bitten into the back of her neck, drawing blood which brought on the flock tearing at her wound and causing significant injury...
  4. analyticalblonde

    Is It Too Soon Re-Introduce Back Into Flock After Serious Injury???

    Nine days ago, I found my Lavender Orphinton had been mauled by what started as overzealous breeding of my Cockerel who has started mounting my girls. It appeared he had bitten into the back of her neck, drawing blood which brought on the flock tearing at her wound and causing significant injury...
  5. analyticalblonde

    Horrible Neck Injury...Caused by (maybe) 23 week old Rooster

    My Lavender Orphinton, Sue - the sweetest girl I have that follows me around like a puppy - was severely injured today...about 2 hours ago. I have 13 chickens: 12 are hens; 1 Rooster. He is about 23 weeks old and in the past month, he's started showing his rooster behaviors. I am not absolutely...
  6. analyticalblonde

    My Heart is Breaking...My Swedish Flower needs a new home...Tooele, Utah

    Hi All... I have a dilemma that I hope someone close to where I live can help me...I live in Tooele, Utah. My Wizzygig had gone broody 5 times since March. After trying to break her over and over again (it was just beginning to seem cruel), I threw my hands up and my husband was just as...
  7. analyticalblonde

    Kitty Litter Question....

    I have a kitty litter basin under my girls' roost and have been using PDZ Coop Refresher in with pine shavings however, it is REALLY difficult to clean up their poop. It takes such a LONG time to scoop out the poop because it gets stuck to the pine shavings and is a lumpy mess. I have thought...
  8. analyticalblonde

    It's Full on Summer...Tips to Help in the Heat!

    Summer is in full effect in the Northern Hemisphere. Hoomans and animals are feelin’ hot hot hot . . While some species tolerate heat better than others, the same can be said for chickens depending on the breed. According to The Chicken Whisperer’s Guide to Keeping Chickens, all chickens...
  9. analyticalblonde

    Shouting from the Rooftop!

    Despite me doing absolutely EVERYTHING Wizzygig did it!!!!! Today, which is day 21, I was determined to find out if there were going to be chicks...Like I said...I did absolutely everything wrong! First, didn't move Wizzygig off of the nesting box when she went broody...didn't know...
  10. analyticalblonde

    Shouting from the Rooftop!!!

    Despite me doing absolutely EVERYTHING Wizzygig did it!!!!! Today, which is day 21, I was determined to find out if there were going to be chicks...Like I said...I did absolutely everything wrong! First, didn't move Wizzygig off of the nesting box when she went broody...didn't know...
  11. analyticalblonde

    Pictures Needed of your Broody Hen Enclosure in the Coop

    After going broody for the sixth time since March, I have finally succumbed to my Ameraucana. I went out to my local friend/breeder who gave me 8 fertilized Swedish Flower eggs. Wizzygig, my broody hen, has been doing her motherly duty thus far (it's only been 4 days) and because of the nest box...
  12. analyticalblonde

    My Ticking Time Bomb! Broody Ameraucana...

    My girl, Wizzygig, who is an Ameraucana, has gone broody 3 times in the past 7 weeks. Into the Broody Buster the first time for 3 nights, despite a very vocal protest, then let out on the fourth day. Things went back to normal; only going into the nest box to lay. 1 1/2 weeks later, she went...
  13. analyticalblonde

    ARGHHH! Two of My Girls are Driving me Crazy!!!

    The first to go broody was Miss Pasty Butt...a Buff, off to isolation in our Broody Breaker cage...4 days later, reintroduced to the flock with a bit of drama that goes with it. Then, within weeks, Miss Ameraucana...proceeded to go broody...down to the basement into...
  14. analyticalblonde

    Ameraucana has gone broody 2x in past month?

    My girl, Wizzygig, went broody in mid-March and now she’s gone broody again! Bizerk is the the best word to describe when I pushed her off the nest box. I then put her out to pasture for a day! Sure enough, bizerk again then jumped back into nest box. So, again, removed her to our basement into...
  15. analyticalblonde

    Here's Our Chicken Tractor!!! Woo Hoo...My Girls Are So Happy!

    Every chicken tractor that my husband and I looked at on YouTube, various websites, and poultry supply operations were bulky, heavy, small and in my opinion, seemed kind of lacking in many ways. We have ten girls, have no landscaping at all right now and lots of Red-Tailed Hawks that loom above...
  16. analyticalblonde

    Can I put two Broody Hens together in my brooder breaker?

    Yesterday, after 3 days of my Ameraucana sitting in the nesting box, I knew she had gone broody. Took her off the nest and put her in my brooder breaker downstairs. Man! She was MAD! Meanwhile, yesterday I noticed my barred rock also not moving off one of the other nesting box...Today, she is...
  17. analyticalblonde

    My Girls are Blowing Through Their Feed...Picking Out Their Favorite and Leaving TONS of Feed on the Ground!

    Within the past couple of weeks, more noticeably this week, my girls have started to pick through their feed, eating the bits that I guess they love and shoving the rest of the feed out of their feeders and landing on the ground. There is A LOT of feed that ends up on the ground and now when I...
  18. analyticalblonde

    "Fart" Eggs?

    I have 10 girls in my flock...all will be 1 year old next month. I chose not to do artificial light over the winter because I wanted to do things naturally and was fine with reduced egg production. I usually got one or two eggs a day but now that we are getting more sunlight, most of my girls...
  19. analyticalblonde

    Help Please...Today, my Splash Ameraucana started sounding like a goose!

    Hi all, I'm a little rattled and worried. I have ten girls: 2 Buffs, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 NHRs, 2 Lav Orpingtons, and 2 Ameraucanas. All of my girls will be 1 year old next month. Yesterday, she was her typical squakey self; today, she is making goose sounding honks. She is alert, eating...
  20. analyticalblonde

    Will a Red-tailed hawk attack my flock if I'm standing outside with them?

    At least once a day, sometimes more, I like to let my girls out of the covered run and do a little free-ranging so the can stretch their legs and wings. Because our property has NO trees or bushes (we are filling in landscaping this spring), I never leave them alone! I stand in the yard with...
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