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  1. AmyP716


    Wow guys thanks. I had no idea she is not a spitz, but I was wondering where the crest is. Lol. She is really sweet and pretty. I really do hope she is a girl.
  2. AmyP716


    Here are some pictures of my spitz chick. It is about 6 weeks old. Do you guys think its a rooster?
  3. AmyP716


    Your chick is adorable! Here are a few more pics of mine. Her feathers are coming in now.
  4. AmyP716


    Ok well thanks for the info. I will post some pics as she grows. I'm so excited to have one. Oh yeah about her color will she be white with Speckles? Cause I know there is gold and cream too.
  5. AmyP716


    Alaskan were you talking about my chick? Im hoping for a girl too. I've never had a spitz before. Are they hard to sex like silkies? And can you go by there crests? This one has no sign of a crest yet. Does that develop later? Sorry about the questions im new to this breed.
  6. AmyP716


    So I finally got a spitz. The person I got it from only had one but he/she is so cute. I just had to post a picture.
  7. AmyP716


    Well this would be my third time with shipped eggs. First time out of six polish eggs i had one hatch. And second time i had 4 out of 5 hatch. I don't know I will have to try again.
  8. AmyP716


    So not one of my spitz eggs have developed. I cracked some open and they were all scrambled :( I just hate shipped eggs. Well at least four of my own chicken eggs are developing. They are silkies.
  9. AmyP716


    So I set my spitz eggs in the bator last night. I have 2 silver, 2 cream and 3 gold. Hatch day should be around the 23rd can't wait. I will candle on day 7 and let you guys know how they are going.
  10. AmyP716


    I will keep you guys updated.
  11. AmyP716


    I just bought some appenzeller spitzhauben eggs on eBay. Cant wait to hatch them.
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