
  1. Sarahmacc1

    To Roo or not to Roo?

    So we ordered 10 Australorp chickens and they all turned out to be pullets. With a potential food shortage coming we don’t like the idea of not having a rooster so we could grow our flock if needed. However we also have young children (7 months old and 4 years old). We learned we can order...
  2. E

    Is my pullet Lucy actually a cockerel??

    Hello! In May we got 6 chicks, two of which I think were a week or two old and the other four only a few days. They were all supposed to be female and are all different breeds but we’re starting to wonder if our Australorp is actually a male. (S)he is one of the older ones, so about 12 weeks...
  3. AnnieOh

    What Gender Australorp and Easter Egger?

    Hello, I am having cockerel/pullet concerns about two of my chicks. One of my Black Australorps (#1) is bigger than the other (#2) and has pinker wattles and comb. My Easter Egger(#3) which has crossbeak, seems to have the three row comb. They are 7 weeks 2 days in these photos. I have my...
  4. S

    Any help identifying breed/ gender of 5-week old chicks

    Hey guys I have 8 mixed backyard straight run chicks that I need help identifying gender/ Breed. The possible breeds are (Barred Rock, Orphinton, Australops, Easter Eggers and less likely (Polish and Brahmas) Pretty much ruled out none or polish or Brahmas.... Chick number 1 Guess Orphinton...
  5. Cnjecker

    Barnevelder or Australorp? Or other?

    Hello! First post here. I was given a rooster from a friend who had multiple different breeds. I thought it may have been an Australorp but it’s feathering looks more like a Barnevelder. Could it be a mix? Let me know! :D He’s my first rooster and is very kind to me and our 9 hens. EDIT: I...
  6. C

    Louisville KY - Hens for Sale/Trade RIR & Australorp

    I'm downsizing my flock and I have 2 hens left to sell. Both are about 1.5 years old, healthy, and laying about an egg a day. 1 Rhode Island Red (RIR) 1 Black Australorp Make an offer. I can accept cash or trade for plants, seeds, produce, etc.
  7. H

    help with new chicken being bullied by other two australorps?

    hello, I've had two black sister australorps for the past 6 months and I introduced an adult blue australorp yesterday. the blue is a little bigger than them but she is very gentle and the other two have been pecking her/bullying her to the point where they aren't letting her eat or lay an egg...
  8. A

    Black Australorp pullets

    Do I have 2 black Australorp pullets? They look very different if they are the same breed. The one with a long tail is much louder, but hasn't acted "in charge". There's nothing that indicates the other one is getting pecked to cause her to lose her tail. They are probably around 5-6 weeks...
  9. 0

    Pair of Australorps

    I have a pair of australorps that are about 7 months old that need a good home. Unfortunately, I have an elderly neighbor whose nosey daughter is continuously calling and complaining to my township authorities. The hen is Kush and the Rooster is Ozzie. I've heard stories about roosters being...
  10. J

    Australorp 11 weeks old

    Hi, I have 2 astralorps, both 11 weeks old, that look pretty different to each other. I was hoping you could help me identify their gender. Neither are crowing or seem aggressive. This one is a lot smaller, but has long tail feathers. And this one is a lot bigger, but more round. She also...
  11. The chicken nurd

    A short story and a question about one of my hens

    I’ve been wondering about this for along time and finally decided to ask you guys In 2011 I got my first 4 chicks from are local feed store among them was my standard black australorp now here’s what my question is that australorp turned out to be a bantam and a show quality bird at that does...
  12. HenHouse Henry

    In the dead of winter, a couple of the girls are still laying.

    My first winter with this flock. I have 2 blue copper Marans one stopped laying in October, she went through a molt, the other stopped during a rare cold period, it got down to 9 degrees and stayed in the teens for a couple of weeks. she layed a couple after New Years, but that about it. My...
  13. H

    How cold is too cold for outdoors?

    Hello! Beginner chick owner here. I've ordered some cold-hardy laying breeds specifically so that I could have my ladies out year round once they're fully grown (Buff Orpington, Barred Plymouth Rock, and Australorp). Before I get my cold is too cold for them to be outdoors? I have...
  14. A

    Black Australorp gender help please :)

    Any ideas what genders these four black australorps may be? For a while we thought 2 of each and then it looked like maybe 4 of each and now I’m not 100% sure on the two that may be roos but may just hens that are maturing earlier than the other two. These photos were taken a week ago at roughly...
  15. S

    Blue Australorp sex?

    Ok another guessing game here I’m hoping like hell this is a female because it’s my favourite one out of the bunch. it’s a blue Australorp (I’m pretty sure) its 7 weeks old and has been fully feathered like that since it was about 3-4 weeks old. Although it’s comb is large it’s feathers...
  16. MaybeMay

    One of my 7 week old Australorp chicks not feathering.

    I have 5 Australorp chicks 2 pullets and 3 cockerels all feathered out except 1 which is stopping me from having them out overnight. The temp is generally dropping to 5c overnight but they are outside during the day. I bring them inside at night because of the 1 that’s not feathered. Husband is...
  17. MaybeMay

    Blue Australorps with brown feathers??

    Hello everyone. I’m a new chicken owner and just wondering if it’s normal for my blue Australorp chick to have brown feathers?? I know it’s not the best photo I’ll try take more tomorrow. Just more curious as to how the blue genetics work.
  18. B

    California Grey pair? 2-3 weeks also a mystery breed

    I posted in the wrong section before. I think I have a pair of Cali greys, all was well until one was staring at me a lot and then the color was developing. One has much lighter feathers coming in and the other is much darker, even darker feet. I also have a bird that was supposed to be a...
  19. A

    Rooster or Hen?

    I think my Australorp and Rhode Island Red are roosters but want to be 100% sure before I rehome. Both about 14 weeks.
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