baby chicks

  1. Chinnant

    Mama hen

    Mama hens chicks have been hatching, well only one is thriving. Two were alive yesterday and doing well, but then one of those two died today sometime. Two also died while hatching ( not sure what happened. ) But I found this one struggling hard just hatched out the egg today and mama hen wasn’t...
  2. FluffyzGMa

    FluffyzGMa iz a n00b

    Hiii!!! We (reggietherooster and out 2 littlez) just got our first chickyz today!!!! Barred rox, GL Wyandottez & RIRz! We are expecting some xtras, bantams & ducklingz next week. Oldest baby is pumped for the silkies. She is naming one fluffy- therefore i am Fluffy's Grandmother. [hence The...
  3. M

    Is my EcoGlow safety 600 working properly? Is it ready for day old baby chicks?

    I will be getting chicks in the mail in a few weeks, so I decided to test the brooder recently to make sure everything was working so i wouldn't be scrambling last minute. The ecoglow safety 600 is the kind where one side can be higher than the other, so after some research most people suggested...
  4. R

    First time Chickie Mama. Best advice appreciated

    Hello everyone!!! My first post ever and first time chickie mama and I’m so excited! I get my chickies on Tuesday. Please give me your best tips to help this first timer out! :D

    8WK old brag photos

    I've been busy with work,life and chickens. I don't think I've been on here since they were 3wks old. I was terrified my baby chicks would freeze to death. But here we are and they are 8wks old. I am in love with these chicks. They entertain me so much. I have a chair I put in the run and...
  6. E

    Brooder Advice

    Hello, I have 2 Ayam Cemani chickens that are 8 weeks old that are so still in their brooder, in a heated room. I have 3 hens in a raised coop and attached covered run. We still have snow outside and it’s on average 20-30 degrees during day/night. When is a good time to introduce them to...
  7. A

    You try to do everything right with your first one.....

    So here's the story of our family. Leaving out the 3 dogs and the cat for now. It's a LONG story but there are questions at the end so you can rush to those if you want. Last year we bought 3 baby chicks - Lula (Buff Orpington) with Andy & Ollie (supposedly Silkies but apparently...
  8. ForensicNurse

    Love my GIRLS (no BOYS allowed zone)

    I ordered 15 day old chicks. This was the minimum order. I ordered ALL girls except for one all black (skin, beak, legs, feathers!) rooster. 2 of the girls were also the same breed. SIGH- I think I got somebody’s order NOT mine. They sent me MORE chicks, several weeks later. I ised this...
  9. salemacresohio

    HELP! TSC Fail. What kind of “English” Orpingtons?!

    I was told these are an English Orpington variety at TSC, after first being told they were ISA Brown, and Cornish Cross. Yeah, right…so once I told them they had their labels wrong, they went and checked and said these pullets just came in labeled English Orpingtons. So I asked further probing...
  10. A

    Easter eggers, roosters or hens?

    So today at Tractor Supply they had Easter Eggers but they were straight run. 😩 I already have a monster of a rooster so I don’t need any more. The lady working said she can “somewhat” determine the sex by the wings but couldn’t guarantee it. Some had very distinct wings and some it was hard to...
  11. CubbieFan88

    Indoor Chick Brooder

    In September we have 15 baby chicks coming in from Meyer's Hatchery. We aren't first time chicken owners, but a few months ago our neighbor's 4 dogs squeezed through our fence in the very wee hours of morning & slaughtered our entire flock (much to my daughters and my heartbreak). SO! Now we are...
  12. J

    Broody hens in the middle of heatwave.

    I have three hens that went broody all at once. They are in the middle of week two brooding. My concern is that we have a random heatwave going on (temperatures in the mid 90s during the day). I’m really concerned that they are going to overheat in their nesting boxes especially because two of...
  13. spbaz

    Broody Hen hatched chicks in laying box about 3ft off the ground

    We had a broody hen and a rooster in our flock, so on Mothers Day I decided to let her sit on some eggs, and see what happened. We have a rather large chicken coop with 3 laying boxes that are about 3 ft off the ground. I didn't do my research and move her right when she started, and now she...
  14. Chikpeas

    Confirm my suspicions?

    Hello! So I have 6½ week old chicks that I have hand raised as our broody bantam rejected them completely. I have 2 black Australorps, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Easter Egger (was sold as an Araucana but I'm fairly certain that's not the case) All were bought at a local feed store and were marked...
  15. Graphichick


    My peeps are growing so fast. (Plus some other family photos) Google, Bing, Yahoo and Raisin (with Momma SweetTea in the background) Daddy Lemonade Every chick needs her own tiara! Bing is so fiesty (Silkie/Australop) Nay-Nay, Bing's mom Bic (Raisin's mom) Bailey (Yahoo and/or...
  16. S

    HELP!! Extremely loud Baby chick noises

    Hi everyone I have two, 2 week old chicks ones a polish bantam ( which doesn’t make hardly any sound) and the others a pekin bantam and makes sooo much chirping constantly and doesn’t stop and it gets so loud . There unsexed we don’t know the genders yet. What could be the cause of it being so...
  17. S

    Baby chicks

    Hi everyone so, my chicks are 2 weeks old and I have school so no one is home, they have water and food and a warm bed bit to sleep in with a hot water bottle, will they be okay till I finish around 2:45? I left at 8:00
  18. G

    New Chicken Lover Colorado

    Hi everyone!! Just got our first chickens 3 weeks ago and I am INLOVE with them. We have 11 chickens but some are straight runs, so it’s a gamble. We have a Brown leghorn, black Jersey giant, black star, blue andalusian, Australorp, silver Wyandotte, 2 gold Wyandottes, 2 black silkies, and a...
  19. C

    When to introduce native soil to chicks?

    Hello, im a first time chicken owner, we currently have 6 chicks in our brooder ranging in age from 8 days to 6 days old. We have them on non medicated starter feed and was reading about introducing them to native soil but am not sure when, there is also an issue with one of the older chicks...
  20. Harmoni

    When is pecking a problem?

    My broody RIR hatched 2 eggs on April 22nd. They are almost a week old. We have one other RIR who is top of the pecking order, 2 Golden comets who just started laying and 4 8 week old EEs. The mama goes after the comets and EEs to make them keep their distance, but she lets the other RIR peck at...
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