
  1. UncleChuck

    Soldier flies, free feed, and fertilizer

    I've been messing around and learning about soldier flies since my chickens were still in their eggs and I've noticed a few things that aren't mentioned in most two-page instructructions. Ants can find anything anywhere. The bigger the box the harder it is to move. Small colonies won't make...
  2. TaylorGlade

    Any such thing as too many black soldier fly larvae

    I know that chickens are not supposed to eat more than 10% of their diet in treats. What is considered a treat? If a chicken free ranges, it eats lots of bugs. Is that a treat? Is there a difference between the bugs that chickens eat free-ranging, and black soldier fly larva? I guess what is...
  3. GarrisonH

    Black Soldier Fly Larvae for sale

    Hello! I have just started a soldier fly composting project in NYC and have an excess of live larvae that I'm looking to sell. After several months I finally established an indoor breeding colony and now it seems the sky is the limit for how many larvae I can produce. I use them personally to...
  4. bgmathteach

    New Member: Barb AKA Betty G Lou

    Hi All, I'm a new member to Backyard Chickens. I've been reading items/threads from your site for a couple of years now (when they come up in google searches!) I am joining now because I actually had a thought that might help someone!!! (instead of being on the receiving end all the time...
  5. MNnative

    Hello from Minnesota

    Hi my name is Kari. I live in a first ring suburb of the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro area. I have lived within 30-40 miles of here most of my life. The only exceptions are when I went to college and when I lived in Iowa when my husband got his first job out of college. We have been together...
  6. F

    BSF Larvae

    I've recently started a small BSF larvae bin and have been feeding them to my chickens for some time now. Yesterday one of my polish was in the coop laying down with her head down and her neck seemed limp. My two polish are never too happy to be held so I knew something was wrong when she let me...
  7. Taliasun

    BSFL (Black Soldier Fly Larvae)

    Anyone raising BSF? Tell me your secrets!
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