cracked egg

  1. Bethend

    When to call it quits? Hatching problems

    I'm fretting over this egg, which has been slowly splitting open over the last two days. I don't know were to call this one dead or wait and see. The eggs would be hatching now or any day now, and while there' no progress there's also no sign of anything that would overtly signal death, like a...
  2. cuckleberry

    Broken Egg in Incubator!

    Hello again! If anyone remembers, we were new to hatching button quail, and with our first clutch we only hatched one. (Who is now double in size and very curious!) Our second clutch is currently on day 12 and we've had much more success with keeping a constant humidity. It does fluctuate...
  3. Muhammad Ahtisham Ali

    Cracked egg in incubator. What should I do ?

    So It's been 6 days since I put eggs in my incubator. I was candling the eggs today and found that one of the eggs has a little hairline sort of crack. The eggs is itself is showing good signs of development but I am afraid that the egg will stop developing due to the crack. Can anyone suggest...
  4. ourcozycoop

    The journey starts for the cracked egg

    Our little bantam Linda is a very broody girl. Recently she has sat on a large pile of eggs and has claimed it as her own. In the past when we’ve let our hens raise their chicks we tend to loose this time we decided to make a large brooder big enough for our Linda and many chicks. We...
  5. K

    Saved egg with tape now what!?

    I'm hatching bobwhite quails they are on day 15 now but when I was candling around day 7 I ended up cracking shell a bit so I put a little bit of tape in it and prayed for the best! The baby is growing perfect and is fine! But worried about hatching now and when i should take the tape off...
  6. Raptorchick

    Incubating different sized eggs together?

    Hello :) I currently have 12 serama eggs going strong on day 13 in my Harris Farms 6100 still air (with auto rotation). I've got four thermometers and two hygrometers inside, set directly between my two rows of eggs so I can maintain 100-101F and 45-55% humidity. This is my very first incubator...
  7. Woodey2

    A few newbie questions- hatching and curved toes

    Hello! One of the chicks born today has curled toes that is how I found your site while googling how to fix it. Also we have one egg that is cracked in the incubator. The chick is still alive I checked today and should be hatching with in the next few days. Will the chick be okay? We also...
  8. Woodey2

    New Member in VA

    HI! We started with a flock of 6 hens. At Christmas we received 2 banty roosters. Sometime during one of our son brought a big rooster home. Two months ago hatched out 6 chicks. a few days ago the hubby came home with another hen. Yesterday our second group of eggs are hatching, three so far 14...
  9. Trinitydraco

    Going into lockdown 12 hours early due to cracked eggs.

    So I have 3 cats...I bet we can see what happened here! Yup, they were racing around and even though I keep my incubator well out of the way and tucked back they still managed to hit it. 2 eggs knocked into each other and cracked. It is half way through day 17 and even though I tried to repair...
  10. EmilyC

    Is my cracked egg ok and more questions

    Hi, So I only have one egg in the incubator, and it was mishandled and has a tiny hairline crack that I covered up with wax. It looks fine, except now when I candle the egg I can see two little bubbles - presumably air - inside, is that ok? It is a new egg - when I candled it before you can just...
  11. Outbackchickengal

    Cracked egg inside our chicken

    Hello. Yesterday we noticed that one of our girls had a protruding vent. We separated her from the other cleaned the area with warm water and salt and than applied honey and isolated her in a crate in the dark so she could heal. Well this morning my mom noticed she was egg bound and...
  12. Brittwearsboots

    Help! Turkey egg...

    My hen laid an egg from her roost and it cracked the outter shell but didn't puncture the inside layer. Can I fix it to be incubated? We lost our other hen to an owl 2 weeks ago or so and I'd hate to lose any possible future poults. Also, it's the larger end that they hatch from. I wanted to...
  13. Michael's Coop

    hen laying eggs, breaking one end on coop floor

    my hen made herself a little nest and when she lays, the egg smacks the floor of the nest box and cracks. it's causing ants. how can i fix this safely? maybe i can tack a cloth or a towel in there? any advice is appreciated!
  14. Cyprus

    16 eggs, 3 species, 1 homemade incubator: Will it be done?

    Hello everyone! :) My good friend, who shall be named the Egg Man, delivered these to me yesterday: I set all of the eggs on 5/23/18. Some of the bantam eggs: Hopefully I will have a good hatch. We'll just have to wait and see :) The ducks are mixed Ancona and Pekin. The bantams I have...
  15. Golden Brahma 64


    i cant do much as the egg is dry and the only evedence of it exploding is the bits of egg shell around the nest. All I want to know is if this will effect the eggs ? Is there enything I can do ? It’s day 16 today, I’ve been just leaving it to her, I haven’t checked her nest in a week so I don’t...
  16. E

    Cracked eggs during incubation

    i just noticed two of my eggs are cracked! I’ve read a lot of threads about possible ways to seal the eggs, but I’d like some opinions to see if it’s worth it. I think the membrane may have broken on the egg in the first picture. There seems to be some dried liquid along one of the hairline...
  17. Leihamarie

    Dropped egg (and cracked open) 2 days before hatch!! Is it hopeless?

    Hey all- so... I just did the unthinkable. I couldn't leave well enough alone and was candling the fertile eggs under my broody one last time before hatch. One of my chickens flew up and knocked an egg off the counter. It fell and cracked open. I quickly wrapped it in a wet paper towel and put...
  18. as110

    Emergency - cracked egg on day 19

    I found a cracked egg under the broody when I checked under her this evening. There was a broken bad egg and I needed to clean up the nest and the remaining eggs. This is the end of day 19. Is there anything that can be done to save this egg? There is a chicken inside. I did not see if it is...
  19. Chickababie01


  20. G

    Incubating Duck Egg Cracked Open!

    Please help! I am incubating duck eggs and I just found this. An egg is cracked with with brown/red substance coming out. I am not sure how it cracked but I think the incubator was bumped some how. The egg has been in the incubator for about 15 days. This is my first time incubating and I don’t...
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