
  1. ElGoose

    Opinion on letting my geese roam a little outside of our garden?

    So ever since they were young, my two bonded geese have had a lot of contact with the land around our garden including the canal and river. They are both very well behaved and come back when called - they are also both very healthy and have never shown signs of disease, the most we’ve had is...
  2. CreativeChicken08

    Help! Chicken had a seizure and died!

    Earlier today I went to check on my chickens, and I found one of them laying on her stomach on the poop shelf under where they sleep. She had her eyes closed and didn’t react when I petted her, but when I picked her up she opened her eyes. She had saliva dripping from her mouth. And also some...
  3. N

    Chicken with crust on face, cannot see out of eyes. Possible fungi/mite infection??

    Hello, I have some free ranging chickens and they all seem to have caught this disease that encrusts their face with bumps. I did some research and thought it could be mites or fungi, possible favus, but I am not sure. Can anyone help identify what it is and advise me as to how I should handle...
  4. J

    Mass inflamation and I dont think its bumblefoot (picture included)

    Hello, we got Rhode Island Red chickens for the first time and in the past couple weeks her feet have been getting bigger and bigger on both feet. At first I thought it was just genetic but as they got bigger and bigger I knew something was wrong and I learned that chickens get bumblefoot...
  5. F

    Two young hens dead within a week - no idea what's happening

    I've had a flock of twelve since July 2022 when I got them all as chicks. Everyone was healthy and happy all this time until last Friday when I lost my first girl, an Easter Egger, unexpectedly. I came home from work and she was lying dead in the run like she'd just fallen over. I looked her...
  6. Average Flock

    Chicken Can't Stand

    I have a four year old Golden Comet hen who my brother took to the county fair a few weeks ago. While she was there she collapsed and since has not been able to stand up. She has lost a lot of weight. During the first few days after bringing her home she refused to eat or drink, however since...
  7. A

    Lethargy, diarrhoea and change in eyes?

    Hi there! Fairly new to the forum, wishing this wasn’t the topic of my first post but here we are. Hillary, one of my lovely Australorp x Rhode Island Reds (18mo-ish) collapsed this morning when she was let out of the coop - I was unable to get a photo as she got up shortly after (and then...
  8. D

    Chick has squishy ball on chest

    Hello my chick has a squishy ball on his/her chest. We let the hens hatch 3 chicks this summer and they are doing well. They were born in early July. The hens never let us get close to the chicks but they have all been exploring and walking around and acting normal so we haven’t been concerned...
  9. S

    Please Help! A large growth under chicken's vent!

    Hello everyone, Big Fluff and I are in need of some assistance, she, my most favorite chicken, has a baseball sized growth under her vent (not on her breast/ belly)... it is red, with some gross looking scabs, feels warm to the touch, & has lost most of the feathers on it. It is a bit squishy...
  10. M

    Lethargic duck, same for three days maybe more

    Hello friends, I need help with a diagnosis and treatment for an adult female Muscovy duck. She is a mom duck that has been coming to my house with her two babies the last couple months. However, three days ago I noticed her laying down in my front yard with her wings a little droopy, and when...
  11. V

    Weird skin issue? I’d love some help!

    Hi! This is my first time posting to BYC. Thanks in advance for your help :) A couple weeks ago I noticed my 1 year old mystic maran hen has what looks like pink, scaleless lines down the outside of each leg. I’ll post a picture for clarity. On both legs, only this small outside strip is...
  12. F

    Wondering if my chickens have sour crop?

    I caught two of my hens have a white mucus exit their mouths today, it was cloudy and it seemed to just fall out, they didnt cough it up or anything. i researched and i read it could be sour crop? ive noticed recently one has had some ruffled feathers, and the two that threw up have had bad...
  13. Y

    Why does my chick walk and stand weird?

    Hi my chick has recently started walking really weird, it wasn’t like this when it hatched and idk what to do about this situation, will my chicken get any better?
  14. L

    Does this chicken look like it has mareks

    I am stressing out because I had a rooster in my flock that has this leg, I thought it was just broken but I’m not sure if it is mareks now. I am worried about my chickens that I am bringing to fair in a week now.
  15. C

    Chick with Coccidia and thiamine deficiency

    I’ve been treating a polish chick for Coccidia and I am noticing a thiamine deficiency. The chick isn’t walking normally and is only laying down and when he does it looks like as if only one leg works. No, he doesn’t have any injury. I’ve seen this happen to a couple of my other chicks that...
  16. J

    Broody hen, moist bedding, pneumonia

    I had a broody hen hatch 6 chicks, they are a week and a half old and doing well. The are in a open 8x8 roofed run with air coming in from 3 sides. They do have a cat carrier to sleep under the hen in. It poured today and some water got into the bedding. It isn’t soaked but it’s definitely...
  17. Squeeing_Onion

    Quail and Parrots?

    I've heard it referenced before that people have kept quail in the bottoms of aviaries that house various species of parrots. My question is, how do you keep the birds safe bacteria wise? Do you need to introduce them as chicks? Do they share lethal disease like I've heard chickens and quail...
  18. isabellajosie

    Help? Hen with white spots on her comb.

    Hello. I have a year old Easter Egger hen who I noticed yesterday has these raised white spots on her comb. They almost look like calcium deposits that are stuck to the comb. When I researched this, most results that pop up are about it being early signs of fowl pox. I have not noticed any...
  19. C

    Wry neck or mareks? Something worse?

    Urgent help needed: this is a 12 week old Easter egger. No known symptoms before, the morning I let all the chickens out, this one looked like her wing was lopsided. She was lethargic and sleepy as well. Her poops up until today have looked solid, normal, with no worms in site. Today, it was...
  20. Melko

    Pullets unable to walk, but are otherwise vigorous...

    I've had a pullet that hasn't been able to walk for the past week. I though this might've been a leg injury so I set her up in her own with some food and water. Today I found another pullet with the same symptoms. Laying to the side and unable to get up. I tried picking her up but she always...
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