
  1. C

    Help please

    I lost almost 20 chicks that are 4 to 6 weeks old they are in the brooder that gets cleaned often the chicks have ruffled feathers and their wings droop they also act tired and have bad balance right befor they die thier legs shrivle up and you can see their keel bone like thier wasting away i...
  2. Ittybittyschmidtie

    Spilled chicken feed in grass with white stuff

    my daughter spilled the feed on the way back down to the house in the grass. It rained and I noticed today it’s growing all this white furry mold I’m assuming. What can I do to get rid of this ? Wash it away with water? Won’t that just spread it around? Idk what to do about it. It’s a pretty...
  3. MichelleFL7

    Need help please. My Wyandot has something wrong with her comb?

    Is this a fungus on her comb or something else? She is not laying (that I can tell) still eats, drinks, stays with pack. But does lay down more than others. On 18% pellets, use hydro-hen in water 2X per week, gave oyster shell 1x wk. last week thought she was egg bound, soaked her in warm...
  4. AidKD

    Transferable diseases

    I think it would be good to keep everybody informed on this. Are there any diseases thay could be transferred from your flock to you? Or vice versa? And how can we watch out for it?
  5. Flutterbudget

    Sudden Pekin Death, Heartbroken

    My partner went to let the ducks out this morning and found my 4 year old female Pekin dead. Her neck is definitely not straight and she’s died with her legs flat out underneath her stomach. Nothing that I can see, one eye is closed the other is open, pupil seems to be dilated. Absolutely...
  6. tielie135

    white kidneys?

    butchered 4 roosters today and when i was taking the organs out for my dogs and i noticed the kidneys were white, i assumed it was a weird one off thing until all four of them had these white kidneys. they were VERY white, not yellow like fat, when cut into they are white all the way in and...
  7. Artchickenlover21

    Super lethargic, weird poop

    A few days ago I noticed my buff orpington was acting a little slower than usual. She has been getting worse and it looks like she's having weird bathroom troubles. She strains a lot and only a little comes out and it looks "snaky". I don't believe she is eggbound unless the egg might have...
  8. W

    Grangrene in quail?

    one of my hens has had bumblefoot for several months and the treatment isnt working and now it looks like the foot is dying and she is walking on one foot. Is it too late for antibiotics or will i need to amputate/euthanize.
  9. Artchickenlover21

    Eyes sealed shut, raspy breathing, pale face

    One of my hens has had raspy breathing, a little bit of gasping, and runny manure lately. She was sitting on the lowest roost all day except when she went to eat and drink and then roosted up high at night where she usually did. Today she couldn't fly off the roost and I had to bring her to the...
  10. minamisfit

    Follicle issue with newly hatched chick

    I can't handle even looking at this baby. It acts normal. What's wrong with it?
  11. M

    2 Ducks died of tumors, one more showing signs

    Hi, so for the past couple of months, I have had very alarming concerns with my ducks and need help badly. I have 5 ducks right now, but 2 died in the past couple of months from what was identified as cancer. One had tumors in his testes and liver, while another had one between his wing. I have...
  12. A

    Silkie chicks twitching head?

    In the past month we got around 20 fertilized silkie chicken eggs for incubation. Our neighbor requested us to hatch these eggs for her since she knew we regularly hatch eggs a few times a year. When the chicks hatched we had one that seemed pretty weak and was not able to hold its head in a...
  13. Keeper of Flocks

    Greetings! New member introductions >

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have kept chickens for over a decade. I was in my early twenties. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 21 (3) What breeds do you have? I currently have 6 ISA Browns, 3 Welsumers, and 12 Pearl Star, all females I have...
  14. D

    Please help! Why does some of the insides of my duck’s claws look like this? Is it normal?

  15. The duck father_

    ((GORE WARNING)) Necropsy findings, Swollen gizzard.

    Any hypothesis on what could've caused this? Swollen gizzard, shrunken and purple heart, pale organs, and extremely underweight. There was no fat anywhere on him including his heart. He ate plenty, but started collapsing every month until he suffered a seizure and died. He was a rescue and...
  16. gailburt

    My Girl’s Bald Spot

    Hi all - my Hattie has a bald patch that seems to be getting worse. We noticed it a little over a month ago and put it down to molting, but I don’t think so now. We’ve checked carefully for mites, lice, etc, and see no evidence. There’s a little red spot, but that’s all I can see. Any ideas...
  17. Eva2020

    URGENT Hen Rapidly Losing Weight

    Hi everyone, My 2.5 year old leghorn hen started molting earlier this fall and I was worried when they were taking a while to grow back since my other hens didn't really molt, but she seemed fine otherwise so I didn't worry. Her feathers did start growing back, but I guess they never fully did...
  18. L

    Black Tongue Sore?

    I thought for a while that this hen had been getting bullied, because she had a bare spot on her back. Now today I saw her standing at the top of the roost in the middle of the day. She was breathing heavily and her breaths were raspy and gurgles. Upon further inspection I saw that her tongue...
  19. R

    Dying, hunch back pullets

    Why are my 8 week old chickens holding themselves like this? Back hunched, tail feathers down. The yellow one stood like that yesterday and was dead by this morning. Today, my olive egger is standing the same way. I attached a picture of my chicken with normal posture for comparison. I don’t...
  20. amynw

    Suddenly “off” chick leg? Injury or disease

    Hello, we purchased 6 Silver Laced chicks from rural king this last Sunday (1 week ago today). I’m assuming they’re no more than 2 weeks old. About 2 days ago I noticed 1 chicks leg was “off”. Balance was off, and it seems to be bending the opposite way but not at the knee, it seems like the...
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