
  1. Australorpfamily

    I am a roo magnet lol

    I seem to always pick out, and hatch out, roos lol (first hatch was 4 of 6 roos, this hatch we have 5 eggs and I think the odds are 2 to 3 but not sure which) Now, yes, I know they are still young yet, but their behavior is roo to a T! Lol! Cleaned them out and these two just kept chest...
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    Olive egger thread

    Hi y’all! I’m working on starting an olive/ Easter egger project. Would love to see photos of everyone’s blue or green layers and the crosses used create these wonderful birds!! Definitely most interested in trying to find a balance in variety of physical color as well as egg color.
  3. gwells1980

    New Chicks please help

    I got 11 new chicks in from a hatchery; 5 Sultans, 2 Porcelain D'Uccles Bantams, 2 Marans, and 2 Easter eggers. Easter eggers can be tricky because they are a mix but I am hoping someone has had one like this before. Can anyone show me what it will look like when it is an adult? As you can...
  4. F

    Hens suddenly stopped laying

    Our flock fell victim to predictors a few months back devastating my toddler. We found a local on craiglist with "laying hens" for sale and picked 5 more up that night to right and calm the tears. The pen they came from was full of a variety of other fowl and farm animals and tiny. After bring...
  5. L

    Can you tell me if this 9 week old is a green egger or an americauna hen?

    I know we had ordered a green "egger" but I'm not sure if this one is it. We had originally gotten 5 pullets. Found out 2 weeks later that we also had a snake in the basement we didn't know about and 3 of the babies disappeared from the large tub they were in in the finished basement where...
  6. C

    Sapphire Olive Eggers from Hoover's Hatchery

    I'm making this thread to post information specifically about the Sapphire Olive Eggers from Hoover's Hatchery. They are a new breed for them and I can't find very much information on the anywhere. (NOT A SAPPHIRE GEM - THEY LAY BROWN EGGS) These lay olive eggs. I contacted the hatchery and...
  7. inquisitivebird

    Lavender Easter egger? Unexpected outcome

    I crossed my rescued farm brown shaver hens with my purebred lavender araucana rooster. I have hatched around 2 dozen eggs from this cross. All the chicks are black down with an orangey face. This is ehat I expected because lavender is recessive underneath lavender is black. However, I did get...
  8. C

    Sapphire Olive Egger Rooster

    I'm having zero luck finding any pictures of this particular chicken. I have 2 1/2 week old Sapphire Olive Egger chicks from Hoover Hatchery. (NOT Sapphire Gems). There is very little information on them anywhere. I really want to know what the rooster for this breed would look like as I suspect...
  9. gwells1980

    Calling on EE owners, Help ID this rooster parents!

    Hello, i was given an "Ameraucana" that is actually an Easter Egger, which I am fine with, he is an amazing looking rooster. However I am having a little difficulty identifying his parent's breeds. Obviously one was an Ameraucana. The other is???? A Cream Legbar perhaps? I saw several...
  10. gwells1980

    Ameraucana or Easter Egger?

    Hello! A gentleman in Lucasville, Ohio gave me an amazing looking rooster this evening. I finally have a rooster to look after my 5 hens. I have never raised any Easter Eggers or Ameraucanas before so I have no idea which this is. He said it was sold to him as an Ameraucana but it probably...
  11. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    My Hybrid Pullets Aren’t Growing Combs

    Okay so I’m a little bit worried why aren’t my hybrid’s comb’s growing? They are 6 months old and I’m worried about it. Is there a problem? Maybe a disease? It’s probably because of them being crossbred but I’m not sure. (same chickens as my last post, Loona and clover) clover is growing some...
  12. OrlandoMama

    Does anyone know what type on chick these are?

    I got three chicks to add to my flock and got two from an assorted rare breed brooder so I have an idea what they might be but still have no clue which one they exactly are. Does anyone have any idea from the list? I was able to figure out a little bit on my own through process of elimination...
  13. ninja333pirate

    Easter Egger chicks for sale in Skagit county, WA

    I have 12 adorable Easter Egger chicks that are 3 days old ready for a new home. They are $3 a piece, let me know if you are interested.
  14. OrlandoMama

    Anyone know if my americana egger is a pullet or roo?

    Americana egger. Im not EXACTLY sure on the age, best guess is 7 weeks, but I’m not sure whether it’s a pullet or roo. It was supposed to be a pullet but I’m having doubts.
  15. TillieMama

    Guess the breed (BCM, OE and EE) and the sex please!

    we picked up day olds from a local farm. We were told we were getting 2 Black Copper Marans, 2 Olive Eggers and 1 Easter Egger. None were sexed. So I’m hoping you fine people who likely have more experience than I do, can help me identify which is which and then also perhaps what sex. Note that...
  16. bateshomesteaddream

    Green Queen EE crowing pullet for sale

    She is a crowing hen so she needs to live where roosters are allowed. We live in SW FL. She is about 23 weeks old. We don't want to re home her but where we live we are not allowed to have roosters & to be kind to our neighbors & not attract a visit from the city we are. We have raised her from...
  17. MotherOfCluckers

    Gender help! 10 week old “Bluebell egger”

    I purchased two “Prairie Bluebell eggers” from Rural King about 10 weeks ago. They look mostly like barred rock, and probably won’t lay blue eggs...but I’ve since learned to not purchase from box stores unless you want to be surprised. I am fairly certain that one is a pullet, but I am unsure...
  18. HeatherKellyB

    Gender help with almost 4 week old Moss Eggers

    My daughter is in 2nd grade and they hatched some eggs in her classroom. We ended up getting the last 3 chicks. 1 is a barred rock (my daughter and I both say this one is our favorite but from what I've learned here, I believe it's a cockeral & we are now starting to worry that all 3 are roos)...
  19. 20190413_143130


  20. rascal66

    Anyone breeding Easter Eggers? If so, please share pics!

    I'm seriously a nut for Easter Eggers. I want to breed them and start making and selling my own! Anyone out there ever bred them? I would love to see pictures of the breeds/parents used and see the chick colors! Today I went to the farm store and couldn't help but pick up a couple EEs. If...
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