hatch advice

  1. Y

    Duck egg hatching away from air sac and at the bottom

    Yesterday at around 6pm I noticed that the egg had started to pip(I have attached an image, the red circle is where the air sac is) , but away from the air sac, and towards the ground. There is a slight hole as well in the internal membrane from the pip which I think the duckling is breathing...
  2. oregonmuggle

    Is my hen broody enough to hatch eggs?

    Hi there! I have 2 year old Black Australorp who loves to sit on the eggs she and her coop mate lay. She’s on them most of the time until I open the gate between their run and our yard to let them free range. As long as that gate is open, she’s free ranging. Otherwise, you can usually find her...
  3. FortCluck

    Incubator and incubating advice

    We are looking to incubate eggs in January but I really want to learn everything that I can before we jump into it. When you collect the fertile eggs do you just leave them out until it's time to incubate them? Is there a period of time that the eggs should sit out before you put them in the...
  4. L

    Saving chick at hatch

    I had a chick pipped at wrong end, early and shrink wrapped. I looked at all threads to get advice. This is my 3rd hatch. After 18 hours chick was getting weaker. I decided to help. Membrane very dry and tough. She’ll stuck on. She had made a large hole to breathe on her own. I started soaking...
  5. heavenzeyes

    Mixed Breed Incubation Lockdown

    Ok so I've gotta lotta different chicken breeds and sizes. I've typically placed the same size & breed eggs together for incubation and have started their lock-down at day 18. However I have a few bantams that have recently started laying eggs & sharing the same nesting spot with the larger...
  6. Q

    Sad news

    I’ve only made one post on this website so far and it was about the baby chicks I had just bought/hatched and was attempting to do genetics research on with genotypes and phenotypes. I have bad news Shortly after that thread was made, my chicks started disappearing from a coop that was dug a...
  7. A

    First Time Broody - Candling Help Needed! Pics!

    We’ve had 4 hens for about a year now. A couple of them had been broody before but none since we got them until a couple weeks ago. Our BCM “Scramble” went broody and I couldn’t break her. It was pretty clear she was committed. SO, I got 8 fertile eggs from a local breeder. 6 of the eggs are on...
  8. A

    1 fertile egg only

    Hi, I got 2 fertile eggs from a friend when my hen went broody. The first one hatched early (day 20). I think she was smooshed accidentally by mom once she pipped, but I’m not sure. She did not survive. The second egg is still in tact (day 21) with no pipping. Will it not hatch because it’s the...
  9. Duckman39

    Incubator egg turner

    Has anybody used any other automatic egg turner in their little giant incubator? It measures 15”x15”. I bought one for one of my incubators that was $47 off eBay and it works great but I’m looking for a cheaper one to go in my other one.
  10. MelissaRose

    Help! assisting a hatching chick! There is blood! *pictures* HELP

    Hello all, I have an egg that is having trouble hatching. The chick opens and closes their mouth which I heard means they a still absorbing their yolk. I have the egg in a box with a heat lamp and jar of warm water and its about 95f. I know its supposed to be 99-100f, but does it matter with it...
  11. Watermeat

    Hatched Chicken Problem!

    Asking this for a friend: Can I get some insight on a chick? This little one just hatched and it's stomach is big and black. It also has a red lumpy piece of flesh connected to the umbilical cord. I don't remember seeing it on the other chicks. Is it any cause for alarm?
  12. W

    I’m on day 26 with no internal Pip. Can anyone help?

    This is my first hatch experience, it is also the hens first hatch. I have studied and studied, watched and read dozens of threads and posts about not intervening. With that said we are on day 25. No internal pips that I can see. I did a float test today. I have three low floaters with...
  13. DragonParadigm

    Overeager Egger.

    I got all my FRESH eggs in a basket. And now one is about to hatch. Holy hen. Was not prepared for this. I bought a whole set of 14 fresh & fertile eggs off of a “neighbor” and never thought to candle them. I just stuck them all pretty-like in my Brinsea maxi ii advance and all of a sudden I...
  14. Bethend

    Egg splitting, hatching oddly appro. 21 days

    I had to put these two eggs into incubation after one got crack at the tip, when two hens tried to brood them and got into a fight. I sealed over the crack and they've developed normally, but starting last night the cracked egg began to split length wise. This is right at the time they should be...
  15. P

    Air sac size and lockdown question

    I have 3 gold laced wyandotte bantam eggs in my incubator and this evening in theory they should go into lockdown day 18 but I'm worried the air sacs aren't very big and haven't been increasing in size. My humidity was around 40% until day 10 when I was worried they weren't growing and so...
  16. ChickenCrazy93

    Day 20-21, what to expect?

    Hi Everyone, I am hatching from an incubator for a the first time, a little giant, and I am now at day 21. Currently the eggs are still and no pips, so I decided to water candle(early, I know, my nerves just couldn’t handle it). Of the 40 eggs everyone seems very alive except 4 still eggs and 1...
  17. Raptorchick

    Lump on Newly Hatched Chick-help please

    I'm attaching pictures that may be graphic to some, a heads up.... This chick pipped on day 19, started zipping 23hours later, and finally hatched out of the shell four hours after that. I noticed a lump on her butt, looks like she didnt finish absorbing, theres no plug. I took her into a...
  18. A

    where did i go wrong

    so idecided to put some eggs under my broody hen and this is my second time hatching eggs and my first time not using an incubator. on day 16 i candled them and the eggs were about full and looking promising. i had one hatch on day 21 in 35c(95f) weather. on day 23 I candled the other egg and...
  19. MallardMomx2

    Are my duck eggs alive? Help!

    Hello! I have a pair of 10 month old mallards. My female has been laying on a clutch of eggs for a few weeks now (not sure exactly how long but thinking about 3 weeks) and I am unsure if they are still alive. She had been doing a great job staying on them and keeping them warm, but we have had...
  20. A

    Need help/advice on quail eggs I’m trying to hatch

    This is the first time at trying to hatch quail eggs and I have only 6 that are in a homemade incubator that I made out of a styrofoam cooler but have done a lot of research and have done everything possible for the environment to be right! Today is day 15 so I’m going into lockdown. I have...
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