
  1. krissyweso

    It's Marek's. How long does she have?

    I was wondering if any of you who've had chickens with Marek's could enlighten me: 1. How long since first seeing signs of paralysis do you see it start to spread to other extremities (it has just been her right foot for three weeks)? 2. How long since first seeing signs of paralysis does...
  2. Jaxx2

    Handling guilt over chicken loss

    (I wasn't too sure where to post this rant of a thread. If it should be taken down please let me know) My 6 month old porcelain d'uccle rooster has been battling marek's disease most of his life. After he lost the ability to stand two months ago I've been taking care of him hand and foot...
  3. WhiskeyShadow

    If its not Mareks, what could it be?

    After my first 2 deaths this spring, I've had necropsy's done. Each came back with tumor growths and 'most possibly Mareks'. I had PCR tests done for Mareks & ALV. Both came back negative. I know I've had coccidiosis several times this year, I can't seem to shake it. But I've lost as many young...
  4. B

    Chicken might have Marek's Disease, help!

    Hi all, Just got a few new chickens from a buddy after 4 of ours had gotten killed by a fox. Noticed that it was acting blind when it got home and now I think it has Marek's Disease. So my questions are: 1. Is it Marek's or something else? 2. Should I euthanize both of them and then just wait...
  5. DumbCluckGangMama


    I have a chick who is about a month old. Yesterday morning I saw she was having trouble standing and being weak. Just now I noticed some things that might be tumors? One pupil looks elongated, but it is hard to tell since her eyes are so dark. She is still eating some and drinking electrolyte...
  6. le_bwah

    So my quail flock has Marek's...

    In the last few months, about a third of my flock has developed unilateral muscle wasting followed by total paralysis of one leg. Weakness seems to come and go before becoming permanent. No cloudy eyes, no cutaneous signs. I spoke to an avian pathologist with my state who seemed 100%...
  7. froggyphore

    can a hen get mareks from incubating eggs from a mareks infected hen?

    I eventually would like to have my girls raise some chicks, but have no interest in a rooster atm. if i bought fertilized eggs from another flock that was infected with mareks could the hen caring for them get infected? could i hatch the eggs indoors and give them to the broody hen? tyia
  8. spiritpots

    Possible Marek's and not shell-less eggs after all??

    I hope someone is able to help figure out what is going on with my 12 month old Easter Egger Olivia, who has been laying eggs with only a yolk for the past week. I posted this a few days ago in the forum relating to egg laying but am now wondering if her symptoms may be related to Marek's. I got...
  9. L

    Living with Marek's: Need real life experience

    I've researched for six months after our diagnosis. I've leaned on our poultry department at our local university, top scientists, and local extension offices. I'm a prof, myself. And here's the one thing I cannot find anywhere: How do we live with it if we decide not to cull?? Half of my...
  10. L

    Living With Mareks: And Yes, that's my introduction, sadly.

    We raised bantams and Marans for 10 years. Regretfully, we brought in a chicken with Marek's and my heart is broken. I've researched for six months after our diagnosis. I've leaned on our poultry department at our local university, top scientists, and local extension offices. I'm a prof...
  11. tacosta1009

    Marek's, Mycoplasma, Coryza, Oh My!

    Although my subject line may seem like a joke, this has certainly not been one! I take my chickens seriously, and have been as meticulous as I know how to be to keep them healthy, but I have not always succeeded. The learning curve has been tough! A couple of weeks ago I had a chicken with...
  12. pitbullgurl

    Marek's! Can my broody ever hatch again?

    I've read the big thread on Marek's. I'm nearly 100% sure I have ocular Marek's in my flock. Two out of 13 birds are blind in one eye but otherwise doing fine. I know if I ever get more hatchery peeps they have to be vaccinated & separated while the immunity develops. What I haven't been able...
  13. jolenesdad

    MDV Marek’s Disease Discussion

    I had been searching for a current general discussion thread on Marek’s disease and have not found one, so I thought I’d make one. There is, of course, one of the preeminent resources on Marek’s here at BYC in article form, The Great Big Giant Marek’s Disease FAQ. Make sure you have read it...
  14. Barredrocker99

    Botulism.. Marek’s disease?

    So, I posted a few days ago about a five month old BR that seemed to be getting sick. I thought she was getting better.. thought maybe she was just adjusting to the cold temps or maybe was just about to start laying and was in a bit of pain. That’s definitely not the case. I went out to give the...
  15. C

    Hi all! Could use some advice.

    Hi everyone! We began our chicken journey in April of this year. We started with 10 Tractor Supply chicks. We had a stray dog issue and lost nine of our chickens. We replenished our flock with local chicks and lost one to a hawk attack, and in the last three weeks we have lost four due to...
  16. grammaC

    Pigeon-toed, injured, or Marek's?

    My Welsummer hen is about 4 1/2 months old. Was vaccinated at hatchery. Grew up fine with flock mates. Suddenly, she is pigeon-toed, injured or has Marek's disease. She can't walk without stepping on her own feet, losing her balance and tipping forward or sideways. She uses her wing to balance...
  17. plaidapus

    Half of vaccinated hens dead from Marek's

    Hello, In less than four years, we have lost half of our chickens to Marek's Disease (all cases confirmed by necropsies by the lab at UC Davis). Anyone who has dealt with Marek's can attest to how awful this disease is: each case has been unique, confusing, and extremely painful to experience...
  18. toastinboots

    Wobbly walker: 7-week old Lavender Orpington seems off balance

    I'm completely new to chickens, so maybe this is just how some chickens walk, but Van Halen, my 7-week old Lavender Orpintgon seems off balance, like she's having trouble walking. Does this look like Marek's disease? A vitamin deficiency? An overly concerned new chicken mom? She's able to...
  19. BarelyBirding

    Should I vaccinate my week old chicks for marek's?

    So I just got 12 little chicks in the mail on Thursday. I must note that this is my first time having chickens, but not birds. I keep pigeons as pets. I had already purchased the vaccines for them before I ordered. I ordered from Ideal hatcheries, and their website told me its best not to...
  20. ShrekDawg

    Broody or sick?? Please tell me I’m doing the right thing here!!!

    Okay so about a month and a half ago I had a cockerel come down Mareks and had to put him down. Now I have a pullet showing the same symptoms and seems to be progressing much faster (she only started showing signs the other day) and I want to put her down but am now second guessing myself. I...
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