
  1. ShrekDawg

    Marek’s or something else????

    My poor Red, my 5 month old Welsummer cockerel, is really in a bad way right now. :( A week ago today I moved him into his own pen because he had been limping for a few days and wasn’t getting better, started limping worse/holding a leg up, etc. and so I thought being in a smaller coop with no...
  2. E

    Mixing vaccinated and unvaccinated chickens post-Marek’s infection?

    Hello all, Last July I lost my dearest hen to Marek’s. Fast forward to now, and I’ve since lost 3 more hens (out of 13) - a 1 year old brahma, 4 year old speckled sussex, and her daughter, a 15 week old RIR/speckled sussex mix. All were unvaccinated. Since the last loss, things seem to be...
  3. M

    Lone Silkie (Marek's) - introducing vaccinated hen(s)

    We live in the country (without close neighbors and surrounded by woods) and have used a chicken tractor successfully to keep a small (2-6) laying hen flock in years past. Last year, the kids were ready for chickens again. We purchased 6 pullets from an amish farm over an hour from here...
  4. H

    Went to my chicken coop in the morning and saw my favourite hen stone dead... Please help

    So last week one of my hens started shaking her head and had seizures. It looked like she wanted to clear something out of her throat. She did this several times a day. She had gotten a bit better but now in the morning I opened the door to her coop and I realized she did not come out. I looked...
  5. WillowMoonWyandottes

    Marek’s Vaccination

    I’m trying to understand the way the Mareks vaccination works. I have gotten chicks from a hatchery that have been vaccinated for it but I have just been told it is a live virus and has exposed all my other chickens to it. Does this mean all my other chickens that haven’t been vaccinated might...
  6. WillowMoonWyandottes

    Marek’s Disease???

    I have two chickens that look like they might have ocular Mareks disease but I’m not sure. I have never had any problems with my chickens having anything wrong with them but her eyes look like they have grey around the pupil. She is absolutely fine otherwise, no other signs. I also have another...
  7. filmcmahon

    how to prevent mareks in 7 month olds

    hello everyone. tomorrow evening we will be euthanzing Ellie because she cannot walk, is very sick and obviously has Marek’s. None of my hens (5 others) have been vaccinated and i really don’t want them to catch the disease. if anything, what can i do to prevent them from getting it? we are...
  8. rascal66

    Hypothermia or Marek's?

    Its been very rainy here in western WA. We had just put up a roof for our run but hadn't finished installing the metal roof just yet. (Just the plywood and the tar paper was installed and the structure was reinforced). The winds blew away the paper, and the roof got all leaky... Needless to say...
  9. Emery03

    Silkies with what appears to be Cataracts

    Hey, I am new to owning chickens, but I have been passionate about chickens for a long time, as I truly love the bird deeply. I am really worried about my 2, 10 week old silkies hens. When I first got them, one seemed to have a very dull cloudy spot in her left eye. As time went on I noticed...
  10. elvisjj

    Please help my 22 days old RIR chick

    It started before 4 days, I don't know it's Marek's or Crazy chick disease. I am giving 2 drops of enroflaxin from day one. Liver tonic & Paediatric multivitamin drop for 2 days but still no improvement. Please help me to save my chick.
  11. E

    Sick silkie chick

    I am hoping someone can help me! I have (6) 6 day old silkie chicks. I received them 8/30 and one was just noisy as can be, so I checked her out and noticed one of her eyes was just half way open. I would say it also looks a bit more swollen than the other. I wiped with warm water, and have been...
  12. CT Coop

    Marek's is back...

    I first experienced Marek's in 2015. I was doing a friend a favor, because he was moving and needed a home for his 5 hens. I took them and separated from my flock for 3 weeks. 2 BRs were 1 yr old and 3 Silkies were 4 months old. I quickly learned that 1 of the Silkies was blind, but did not...
  13. Chicks 'n ducks

    Help! My chickens are dropping dead with no warning!

    Hello, I have been struggling with some nasty disease in my flock of silkies. It started in fall of last year when I had one of my first chickens, a silkie pullet, get sick. she wasn't acting herself, not much of an appetite, hunched. Then, the next day or so, she was struggling to...
  14. Bryverine

    Possible Mareks?

    After losing three of four chickens last August who suddenly became paralyzed on one side and died within weeks of each other, we were devastated and put off getting more chickens. We ended up moving somewhere with more space for chickens and two months ago, we started our flock again and now...
  15. E

    1 y/o hen died of Marek’s. Should I sell my unintroduced pullets to save them?

    Long story short: I found one of my hens yesterday unable to walk, and after spending the night at the emergency vet, it’s been determined that she most likely had Marek’s. She passed away in my arms earlier this afternoon. I have two sebright pullets, about 12 weeks old, who have not been...
  16. strawberricatt

    My Hen Has Welts On Her Face And Is Acting Strangely

    I have a hen named Olive who I raised from a chick, she will be a year old on the 25th of August. She is a silkie/Easter Egger mix and has been very healthy previously. This morning I went outside to let her out of the coop, she shares a coop with two silkie hens and her two chicks, and noticed...
  17. DarkWater1929

    Q Mereks symptoms, and Polish Chickens. NOT urgent but relevant to my pullets all the same...

    Hi! I bought six pullets from TSC (our feed/equipment, greedy corporate, but convenient and seductive, store) about eight weeks ago. Two Wyandottes, two Marans, one Americauna and one Polish. They have lived alone, together, since. They were mostly in a brooder area inside, as our winter...
  18. G

    Does Marek’s disease affect geese?

    Read about the disease on chickens. Tried finding whether it can get onto geese but haven't found the answer yet. If it does, what should I do to prevent my geese from getting it?
  19. Marie-in-SD

    Hatching eggs in a Marek's exposed environment

    I hope you guys can help me make the right decisions here. My little flock (currently 13 hens of all breeds and one rooster) have been exposed to Marek's and are almost certainly carriers (I have lost several chickens in the past few years). The remaining flock was vaccinated when they were...
  20. Chronic Incubator

    Split Marek's Vaccine for Multiple Hatches?

    Has anybody done this? If so, how'd you do it? Thank you!
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