
  1. C

    Earlobe or wattle injury

    Hello, I noticed a couple of days ago one of my pullets appeared to have sustained an injury to her earlobe or wattle. When I tried to investigate she would run and I felt I was stressing her out more than it was work. Today she still appears to have the injury and my husband and I intend on...
  2. C

    First laying

    I am new to chicken rearing. This is our first flock and the females are finally maturing and just started laying. They are buff orpingtons, 19 weeks old. A few questions: 1. How often should I look/collect eggs a day? So far I look at about 10am, 1pm, and 7pmish. The ladies have been laying...
  3. Bree Tree

    Testing for Marek's in CA

    Hello Chicken loving folks! I've been dealing with what seems to be Marek's disease spreading through my flock. I've spoken with a few vet's in the area and called UC Davis. One of my poor chickens has been paralyzed for over a week now, won't eat unless I syringe feed her, I feel euthanizing...
  4. MareAndChicks

    RIP Potato Roo....

    Greetings. I got my first chicks on my birthday back in January on the 7th. I moved to a 5 acres horse property in the woods of Fall City, Washington back in October of last year, 2016. This is a dream come true for me and my family. The property had a hen house, fenced run, and a fenced in area...
  5. K

    I don't know if I should cull my chicken!!!!!!! please help!!!

    A couple of months ago, my mom and brother came back from a birthday party with a baby chick. Turns out that the party favours were live baby chickens and my family (along with many others) had happily accepted the gift. I, on the other hand, knew that taking care of a chicken would take some...
  6. NancyNurseCxMama

    Marek's---good article

    I believe I am dealing with this now in one of my chicks. It's heartbreaking. At this point we are looking at euthanasia, which we were going to do ourselves. But we found a vet who treats chickens and will euthanize and also do a necropsy. We really want a definitive answer on what devastated...
  7. NancyNurseCxMama

    Not injury---looks like Marek's

    My poor sweet Rocky, nearly 8 weeks old, looks like she has Marek's. I thought at first that she had injured her leg---although always smaller than my other six chicks, she was feisty and always the first to do daring things like get up on the brooder roost or leap to the top of the waterer...
  8. C

    Eat or not to eat because Marek's

    Hello all. Me again. We have Marek's in our flock. Females tend to spontaneously die and our males tend to present with neuro/ abnormal gate. I know it is not transferable to humans or dogs. I know eggs are ok too. We currently have a 10lb ish bird with the inability to walk. Should we eat him...
  9. C

    marek's vaccine - all or nothing for flock?

    I'm still in planning phase for chickens. I would like to have standard pullets and bantam pullets. Ideally I would like to pick up one group this year and the other group next year. I had originally planned on all the birds being vaccinated for mareks but I'm noticing it is more difficult to...
  10. C

    Confirmed Marek's... now what?

    Hello, Our sick fluffs have been confirmed to have Marek's. We are still unsure of what strand as those results are still pending. We are now determining what to do. This is our first attempt at raising chickens. We started this to provide food for our family. We purchased from an exceptional...
  11. C

    Possible Marek's, please help Hello all, I am new to BYC but have been reading the forum for months. My husband and I purchased 27 three day old buff orpingtons chicks from a quality breeder we found on the sustainable...
  12. C

    Possible Marek's, please help (Long post)

    Hello all, I am new to BYC but have been reading the forum for months. My husband and I purchased 27 three day old buff orpingtons chicks from a quality breeder we found on the sustainable poultry network early March 2016. They are all unvaccinated, organically fed, and are pastured raised in...
  13. L

    Please, help! Emergency, not a joke!!!

    Hello! I got 15 Cornish X from Purely Poultry (never buying from them again) when in the past three days, each day had one of them die. I didn't know what caused this, but today, another chick died. I saw the legs, and it looked exactly like Marek's!!! I just realized that every one of those...
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