
  1. Chronic Incubator

    Split Marek's Vaccine for Multiple Hatches?

    Has anybody done this? If so, how'd you do it? Thank you!
  2. Bethemma

    Introducing vaccinated birds to non-vaccinated Marek's survivors

    I am wanting to give a home to some ex-battery hens which I can potentially pick up on Sunday. I believe that all 'commerical' chickens are vaccinated against things such as marek's. This is good because unfortunately my small flock was exposed to marek's in the past. The hens that survived...
  3. TeenageRooster's Dad

    6 weeks old chick with Marek's?

    Paralyzed right leg, unable to stand. Doesn't look good. Never had a baby chick with Marek's. Should I isolate her? Let nature run its course? She has a little sister showing no symptoms at all and still handing with her mom Mrs Yvette (she pops in mid video). Sucks :(
  4. C

    Balance problems

    I have a young speckled Sussex chick I could really use some advice on. I've tried lots of suggestions I have read on other threads, but nothing seems to be working. So we got this chick at the first of the year, and the first week she was running around just fine. Then we noticed a slight...
  5. hunthaven

    Hatcheries that vaccinate in ovo, or through the egg?

    I've read that the most effective Marek's vaccines are given with a double needle while the chick is still in the egg. Does anyone know which hatcheries vaccinate this way? Anyone? Bueller? I only know about Vikon Farms (...
  6. hunthaven

    Hatcheries that vaccinate in ovo, or through the egg?

    I've read that the most effective Marek's vaccines are given with a double needle while the chick is still in the egg. Does anyone know which hatcheries vaccinate this way? Anyone? Bueller...
  7. Bougiechicks


    our girl goes to the vet in two days, but I just wanted to get some opinions. She is about 10 weeks, silkie, brought her hone from a breeder about a month ago. This week she was stumbling around, so we brought her inside thinking she was injured. Now she is having trouble with her balance, but...
  8. S

    Hen with milky diarrhea, loses balance and falling back onto hocks

    1) What type of bird , age and weight Modern game bantam, 8 months. Can't really tell how much weight she has lost. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. For the last week she has been hanging out by herself inside the coop. She comes outside for a few hours in the morning to peck around in the...
  9. B

    Help! Is this Marek's disease?

    We got a couple of new pullets two days ago, and one of them seems odd. She nods her head up and down a lot when sleeping, but not when she's awake. She also has very laboured breathing when sleeping. I googled the symptoms and I am now terrified she could have Marek's disease. She has light...
  10. C

    Panting, Limping, Pulsing Vent Area

    I have a 2 year old chicken who just started limping or raising her leg and breathing with her mouth open. She got up on the roost tonight but was breathing with her mouth open and gave a little cough (but just one). When I noticed the limping I saw that her backside was pulsing - very...
  11. Acre4Me

    Marek’s Q - visited infected flock!

    Today a friend took my child and I to visit a friend of theirs that raises chickens. We went to their hen house and admired the birds while walking around inside. We did not handle the birds, but were inside and around the henhouse for 20 min. Once we left, the friend shared that the...
  12. Vivid Hatchery

    Double Silver Laced Barnevelder Large Fowl unsexed chicks, NPIP, Marek's vaccinated

    Hello everyone, The type has been sought after for decades by breeders, but just recently it has been created in the last decade or so. Now is your opportunity to have some of these beauties yourself. They are shipped at ten to fifteen days so they can better sustain the trip. I am having...
  13. A

    First Bird Died (Marek's) - Second Doing Great After St. John's Wort Treatment

    I posted a month ago about one of our seemingly strong, healthy chickens that we found shaking and who died a few hours later. (See here: The members on this forum were incredibly kind and helpful--and I...
  14. TheDonger

    Help diagnosing a Chicken please

    We have 1 chicken that is walking with a bad limp, we have done a check and do not see any sore or lesions, not broken bones as far as I can tell. Any help is appreciated.
  15. Ms. Crazy Chicken Lady

    Help Diagnosing Sick Chicken! Out of breath, balance issues, lethargic?

    Hello wonderful fellow chicken people! This is my first time posting on this forum, and I need your help! I have used BYC many a time to learn about chicken health and disease. I have had chickens since I was 5 years old and I remember my mom learning about gape worm from BYC when one of our...
  16. inky123

    Sick Lavender Orpington?

    We have a Lavender Orpington hen (DeeBee) that has become ill. Her comb is pale and she has lost weight and is very thin. She seems lethargic much of the time. This has been going on for about 3 weeks. A couple of times we have seen her "wobble" when walking, but it has only happened a couple...
  17. SammyBrowell

    Has anyone had any luck with Valtrex for Marek's?

    Hi all: I found one post from a couple of years ago about this, but I wanted to start a fresh thread to see if anyone else has had any luck (or any feedback at all) about using the human anti-viral drug, Valtrex (or Valocyclovir) for Marek's? My sweet little EE pullet - she's maybe 5 months-...
  18. Kazzandra

    4 day old vaccinated chick from Ideal, dead from Marek's?

    So, just as it says on the tin, today I lost a 4 day old chick (with us for 24 hours-- shipping took longer than usual) from what appeared to be Marek's today. They are inside in my living room, and my flock is outside. Sanitazed cage. Vaccinated by Ideal, and not sure if they're still just...
  19. jaimedes

    Life after Marek's ???

    I have lost two pullets in the last few months, presumably from the dreaded Marek's. Two different vets were used for the 2 different birds and both suspected Marek's but no necropsy was performed. Both came from a local breeder who says they were vaccinated for Marek's. Prior to that I had 4...
  20. C

    Blue comb and wattle, also Marek's

    hello, One of my Marek's survivor roos is presenting with blue comb and wattle. I have read other threads on this. I believe he is able to crow as I have heard him done so fine with blurring of the tips of the comb. As this has progressed he does not crow. He eats and drinks regularly. Have not...
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