Oh yes - as long as she doesn't get worse she is perfectly functional as she is now - it is just so weird to me - her legs are too straight and her toes aren't flexing enough - it is all just very strange.
I wasn't here when you received her, but platina went through something similar due to a thiamine deficiency and slowly recovered after being taken off medicated feed.
Guess who's feathers are starting to come in and they are normal and sticking tight to the body. Yup TWIG!! :D Aurora better watch out, Twig may one day compete with her on the best beard for a normal feathered chicken contest.
I'd love another great beard on the thread! Beards rule!

Breakfast observations

1. Nox consistently comes out in the middle of the adults. The rest of her age group wait and come out later.

2. Jessica is starting to let the babies near the older babes. Still much chasing but this morning, the pair were much closer to the older babes than to Jessica.

3. Pippa and Maizie are following in Nox's footsteps and joining in the initial rush out the door. One of Jess's participates too, while one holds back just long enough to follow on the heels of the rush.

4. Space is good. They're spreading out across the space between the 2 tree lines and halfway up the hill for breakfast. This includes wrapping around 3 sides of the coop.

5. Whiskey is a smart little thing. While everyone his on a mad rush out the door, the youngest is quietly pecking away in the food dish. Last night's crop was rivaling Cuckoo's for size (relative to body size).

Pics from Monday
Thanks Alex 💖 she is a lovely gal. That is whiskers her sister is Misty they are almost identical but whiskers has red feathers mixed in the grey on her head. She lays beautiful olive blue eggs 😊
Hey, @Ponypoor you are back down to 11 again. (Hugs again for your loss...on the same day as news of nephew...more hugs. So hard! :hugs :hugs )

However, doesn't that open the opportunity for a baker's dozen? (i.e. 2 chickies ❤️❤️❤️? You could pop them under miss broodie!! :D 😍


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