Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 Incubator is AMAZING!

I have 25, I think, shipped eggs coming next Tue or Wed. And I think 12 on Mon. Lol. And I plan on hatching some from my own flock this year. Hoping I can sell a lot as straight run. Some I will keep and grow out so I can pick who I want to keep. Depending on how well selling them as straight run goes will depend on how much I hatch this year. Last year I hatched March to Aug about every 4 weeks, many times only 3 weeks between. I kept who I wanted, sold lots of pullets or "believed" pullets and gave away lots of roos. But I kept a lot for 6-12+ weeks. Hoping I don't have to keep them that long this year

I basically did the same thing. My English Orp chicks were sold before they even hatched most of the time (always a few left over, but usually even they were gone within a few weeks) The only ones I kept to grow out were my chocolates and lavenders because I wanted a pullet from each. I'm hoping this year goes just as smoothly, but it's different breeds, so we shall she. I won't sell any of the Isabel Ameraucanas to be sure I get the cockerel and pullets I want. It'll be fun keeping up with your chicken crazy this year, I've enjoyed this little boondoggle!
I want to start selling hatching eggs, local to start out.. I need to advertise.
Selling out before hatching is a pipe dream right now. 🤣😂
This incubator is an egg killing machine!

I simply did not have time to read through 403 pages. If it is a faulty unit, there is no way to contact the company to get it replaced because they do not respond. I have done my best by posting my research and study on this machine. And it’s just not my machine, I have read many many posts and read comments on YouTube videos with others having the same issue. If others would like to take the chance, so be it. I will no longer post when I find there to be a tremendous problem with a machine and a company. Well you believe you have a newer model, there is no way you can know how long the product you purchased sat on the shelf. There is no date on the unit that I know of. There is probably a good chance that your unit was made prior to sometime in 2022 when they me egg killing machines.

No one should have to spend almost $200 on a product and then have to read over 400 pages on a forum to get help for a product that is, or has, killed their eggs. However, I will no longer speak up on any of these issues, and I am now deleting all of my posts on other threads about how horrible this machine is. Everyone that agrees with your post can go ahead and purchase the machine and have their eggs die, or suffer through trying to figure out how to save them with no help from customer service whatsoever. In fact, I will never again post a response to anyone on backyard chicken again. I will use this forum only to help myself should I need it.

Please don't leave. I'm a chick breeder (newish) & relish information from wise people as you! Currently, I have 22 Welsummer eggs in my new NR 360. It is day 23, 7 have hatched & I see 1 pip. I believe there's always a "flurry of hatching" & after that the hatch is almost over. Relied on the unit's factory set temp @ 99.5 w 35-40% RH & during lockdown 65-70 deg. I'll be so disappointed in the 360 if I dont get a good hatch.
I basically did the same thing. My English Orp chicks were sold before they even hatched most of the time (always a few left over, but usually even they were gone within a few weeks) The only ones I kept to grow out were my chocolates and lavenders because I wanted a pullet from each. I'm hoping this year goes just as smoothly, but it's different breeds, so we shall she. I won't sell any of the Isabel Ameraucanas to be sure I get the cockerel and pullets I want. It'll be fun keeping up with your chicken crazy this year, I've enjoyed this little boondoggle!
The LFC eggs I am testing I will sell all of those. Then I have eggs for lemon owlbeard, lavender Ameraucana, salmon Faverolles and Chocolate Emeralds (a breed the breeder is working on that lay green eggs). I want to keep 1 pullet from each but don't want to keep all the babies to grow out .... Not sure if I will pick 2-3 of each and cross my fingers and pray or what. Guess I see how many of each hatch.

My flocks eggs are just mixes. I haven't had problems selling them but not sure how easy for straight run so need to see with that. Both my roos are Cochins then my hens are all different breeds. But I normally only hatch from my EE and Cochins. This year I may from my Ameraucanas and thinking about trying my CCL to see what those chicks look like.
I want to start selling hatching eggs, local to start out.. I need to advertise.
Selling out before hatching is a pipe dream right now. 🤣😂
It just depends on the folks you meet. I sold 7 English Orpington chicks to a guy in Dallas (2 1/2 hrs away) who loves English orps. My next hatch I texted him with what colors I had, he referred me to his friend who only lives about 40 minutes away, he bought them all. After that my serial broody orp just kept hatching chicks and he wanted all of them 3 days after hatch. I think he bought a total of 30 some odd chicks from me last year. All of this came about through craigslist, and I still have a great relationship with both these gentlemen. Anything is possible 😊
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They will probably be sexlinked, so that will make things easier for you
Would CCL and either blue or splash Cochin make them sexlink? I don't know enough about genetics.

I know my EE/Cochin crosses come out cute, lay green eggs (assuming all since the 3 I kept do), and so far are great layers. Lol
It just depends on the folks you meet. I sold 7 English Orpington chicks to a guy in Dallas (2 1/2 he's away) who loves English orps. My next hatch I texted him with what colors I had, he referred me to his friend who only lives about 40 minutes away, he bought them all. After that my serial broody orp just kept hatching chicks and he wanted all of them 3 days after hatch. I think he bought a total of 30 some odd chicks from me last year. All of this came about through craigslist, and I still have a great relationship with both these gentlemen. Anything is possible 😊
That is great. I haven't tried craigslist yet. But when glancing there I haven't seen chicks or anything listed in my area.
Would CCL and either blue or splash Cochin make them sexlink? I don't know enough about genetics.

I know my EE/Cochin crosses come out cute, lay green eggs (assuming all since the 3 I kept do), and so far are great layers. Lol
With your blue cochin, all the pullets and cockerels will be blue or black, but the males will be barred, with your splash they will all be blue, but the cockerels will be barred

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