How to attach Hardware cloth?

when using hardware cloth do you need to cover it with a different kind of fence also? or will the hardware cloth keep pretatures out on its on ?
I believe the hardware cloth, as it is actually galvanized welded wire, is strong enough on its own. 'Hardware Cloth' sounds as if it is thin, but it is not. It appears to be the recommended type of wire to use on runs, etc. I will let you know as soon as I get mine up if it will keep out the predators because we have raccoons that tend to visit fairly regularly...
Hello. I am working on my chicken coop. I am converting dog house (4'x3') up 30" on 4"x4" and 2"x4" frame work. I am adding 2'x4' addition to coop. The run has a taller area with a human sized door to make it 4'x8' total. I am using 1/2" 19 gauge hardware cloth for vents, window, and run, but 19 gauge seems kind of thin. I couldn't find a thicker gauge version locally so I added white, large whole pvc lattice to the run, but the hardware cloth in the window opening still makes me a bit uncomfortable to leave open unattended. I stappled it to the outside of the opening and secured 2"x4"'s over it for security and for the window framework. The coop and run sits on concrete blocks and I put the hardware cloth all along the bottom of the run, tucked under the blocks, then added several inches of sand. When I finish the coop I will add a hardware cloth apron around the perimeter of the run. My 4 wyandottes, 2 silver and 2 gold, will be 6 wks. old this Monday. The coop will be very close to, if not finished, this weekend. We once had a raccoon rip open a sheet metal vent on the roof and have her babies in our attic. If she could do that what could they do to this cloth? Am I being an over protective Mom here or should I be worried about raccoons ripping through that hardware cloth?
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As long as those 2x4's covering the edges of the hardware cloth are attached solidly with lots of screws and there are no exposed edges or corners of the hardware cloth that a coon can get ahold of it should be fine.
Thanks aart! I will add a few more screws. I love your coop set up, so many great ideas....I especially like the self locking pop door.
I want to sincerely thank the people that responded and added to "best way to attach hardware cloth." I am building my first coop ( had chickens as child but now have my own 4 & 11 year old and its on ) The majority said "attach hardware cloth to the outside and use screws and washers."

Makes perfect sense for predator protection and easy removal for renovations or repair.

Who says there are not good people anymore? What a great group of chicken folks ! Thank you very much !

Rip C. in Ponte Vedra, FL

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