Is this penicillin okay to use?

I have been fighting severe bumblefoot in one hen I inherited. She is about a year and a half barred rock and I have tried soaks and all kinds of things. Nothing helped so we have decided to try Pen G injection. She seems otherwise healthy. No one picks on her. She eats and drinks. Is no longer laying. It does impact her mobility. She still roosts most nights though.

I followed instructions for Penicillin G procaine 300000 with 20g needle (as many have reccomended here) Intramuscular in breast 1 time per day, alternating sides. Less than 1/2cc dose. Warmed to room temperature and massaged after. Also added probiotic to water daily as we started the pen g.

Now I have a new problem! The injection sites look horrible. We are only on day 3! I am worried. Could she be allergic? Should I switch to every other day? Was planning on doing this for 6 days in a row.... pictures show the breast injection sites on both breasts red outer and white center.

Also the bumblefoot pictures are below. Most swelling is on top of her foot. She has pecked the top after soaks so it looks raw towards top and the black dot on the lower side is where we tried to drain it a few weeks ago, but it just bled and bled no puss. No scab to locate the seed/core. I got her like this. Wondering if it isn't bumblefoot after all?? and if she could be allergic to the Pen G procain?? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am worried.


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