I've just been laid off... Anyone else Unemployed?

I retired three years ago, dh lost his job the end of Oct., one single daughter got laid off a week ago, one son-in-law got his hours cut way back. Where we live everyone pretty much works for the same employers and everyone is cutting back or closing down. No work anywhere around here. But I truly believe that things happen for a reason and we will be ok but know many will not!
Part of the reason I went into nursing was because there's always a need for me. That said, DH gets laid off every winter. We just moved here to Maine, and after 8 months of his unemployment, he got a temporary job doing a remodeling project for a large retail store. They started with 15 people for the 3 month job--- all were told there were 2 positions open once the job was done. The job is done, and they've kept 3 people on-- 2 for permanent, 1 through the holidays-- but the permanent jobs haven't been determined..... DH is lucky-- he's one of the 3, however, he could still be laid off the first of the year--this very large retailer is telling them all, that sales are down and they just can't keep on the people they would like to..

It is tough. We've been married 2 years, just bought our house (we're both in our 40's-- this is my second marriage, his first).. We'll make it though-- luckily-- those of us here on BYC know how to take care of ourselves and are very resourceful!

Best of luck!!
My neighbor got laid off a couple months ago, he used make roof trusses, they closed that plant. A very good friend of mine stopped by just yesterday & told me he got laid off. He worked at a kitchen cabinet manufacturer. While they've told him if things pick up they'll call him he's seen it happen to all the "older" guys, they get laid off & replaced with someone younger & cheaper. He's been there 22yrs and is at the top of the pay scale. I know our business (trucking) is very slow right now. It's hard not to worry.
For all those not working I hope you find something soon!
Thank you all for your emotional support!
Things are certainly looking much brighter right now than they were. I talked to my dad about the brakes, and he said that I could buy the parts for about 40-50 dollars, and that he could fix them. Phew!

MissP: Yes, oh my goodness I cannot imagine having to support multiple people, plus animals. Unfortunately, my mother now faces being laid off too. It hasn't happened yet, but it is expected within the next six months or so.

To Whomever asked me where I live: I live in lovely Grass Valley CA. Not far from you, I believe your location said Modesto....

I am off to pick up my final check in a bit, and I think I will doing a little snooping around while I am out. I figure, while I am out of a job anyway, I may as well apply to things that align with my career of choice. We shall see.

I am so sorry for all of you out there with families to support, who have been laid off, or expect to be. That must be so hard.
Lets hope that this crisis will be over soon, you are all in my prayers.

I will keep you posted on my situation, and I hope all of you do the same. We can share our successes and defeats together.
Things are tough all over. My DH was out of work for over a year. When his unemployment ran out he took a job at Walmart. It isnt nearly enough but it sure helps. A cousin of mine just sent me this email last night It is a website for people who need help with groceries. It is called Angelfoodministries.com Check it out for $30.00 a week you can buy enough groceries for a family of 4. I told my daughter about it today as she is also out of work. Sometimes we need alittle help along the way. Micki
I work at a car dealership in parts nad the owner came in this morning and told the parts manager to be thinking about where we can cut expenses.So now I'm on pins and needles til they decide what to do.i jst have ot keep the faith and trust God.
I am blessed. I have never been laid off. I learned very early that the only person who would provide me with a steady paycheck, and all the benefits that go with it was me. I am doubly blessed in that I have never manufactured anything I couldn't sell, and everything that I ever wanted to do I was able to do well. I also have found that in tough financial times as we are having now, if you can repair something you will do very well. People in these times have a tendency to repair the old instead of buying something new.
what kind of work? I am employed and do home health nursing but I really can't stand it. If I wanted to work a lot I could drag home nearly 800-1k a week, but I just don't like it. I do it enough to cover the mortgage and utilities, and raise poodles and maltipoos and cage birds to cover all the stuff like hay, pet food, car repairs, unscheduled expenses and/or impulse buys. (like eggs, chickens, birds, lol)
I was self employed until about a year ago and haven't been able to find a job yet. Thankfully it's just me and my son, but I also have animals to support. I've been trying to rehome them, but nobody wants extra mouths to feed. I did manage to rehome my goats a couple of weeks ago which has helped a little on the feed bill. I'm on government assistance which pays the rent and puts food in our bellies, but that's it. I've been trying to sell anything that's not nailed down so I can pay the utilities, phone and buy gas. Not many people are buying anything. It has been hard, but I believe that there is a reason I'm going thru this- I just wish it would hurry up a little and get to the next stage of my life! (I've learned my lesson- really I have!)


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