I've just been laid off... Anyone else Unemployed?

I was trying to sale my greeting cards but I don't sale enough to call it a job. I worked as a cashier for 2 weeks but hated it so much I quite which was so stupid of me because now nobody is hiring and of course nobody buys greeting cards either so I just sit at home caring for all the animals and helping my mother who can't work due to health issues. I am hoping the economy picks up real soon so I can get a job besides a cashier of course and actually use one or both of my college degrees as I have a BA in Business Admin. and a BA in Criminal Justice.
I'm so sorry Thief. I've been there. My job ended last June and I didn't work all summer. Picked up some subbing jobs this fall and just went back to work full time today.
My husband is UAW and makes parts for automakers. He's been painting machinery for the last 2 weeks. We are definately scared. I already know that my job is ending at the end of year and have started looking for another. Times are tough
Sorry to hear about you getting laid off that sucks! Working in the restaurant business is hard in the winter in some areas I have had to cut all my girls hours back too.
my husband's work just had a layoff but he was kept. I had gone through a layoff a few years ago but not when the economy was bad as it is now. we're both in tech; turnover in tech is pretty common, but it is different when the opportunities are few. definitely something we're watching closely.
To Whomever asked me where I live: I live in lovely Grass Valley CA. Not far from you, I believe your location said Modesto....

Had to go back and see who that was!
From another Modestoian!

Jess, so sorry about losing your job. Im still hunting for one, and that sure isnt easy with everyone losing theirs! Good luck to everyone.​

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