January 2024 hatch-a-long

I started out with these 3 eggs I put under a hen...

I also put 3 other eggs in an incubator just incase.
When the hen lost interest in her 3 eggs, I put them in the incubator with the 3 that were in the incubator. 2 of the eggs above that were under the hen didn't develop.

The one egg below is the light one with an X that was with the hen.
The egg below is the dark brown.
The egg below is the blue
The egg below is the spotty one,

the egg below is the one with the x, it is a day behind, I think because it was neglected from the hen.
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So far, 38/48 looked fertilized. One looks like a double yolker that started to develop …it didn’t look like a typically shaped double yolker when I put it in, but after candling I see it….i think? I’ll probably take it out



As you can see, I’ve already filled the empty spots with new eggs 🤪 oh noooo, rolling hatches, in winter…?! Somebody stop me lol these should hatch on Jan 8
I am not a big fan of putting cold eggs in with warmed eggs, but what is done is done.

I did my insane rolling hatches last Feb-May, adding new eggs every few days as my Bresse and Wyandottes laid them. About 80 hatched, only one with a splayed leg, the rest big and healthy, either sold, eaten, or kept…but my incubators are good and my house is warm 👍 my problem now is that my Marans roo isn’t quite as good as my Wyandotte and Bresse boys were. My nicest green eggs weren’t fertilized 😏 but also winter, sooo
Ok, so I held-off on candling until yesterday and again today (day 4). I'm using the built-in candler on the NR360 as my good candling flashlight is at the coop, and it's just not as strong so I'm having trouble with a few, but for the most part here are my numbers:

29 Eggs total: 14 fertile, 9 clear, and 6 questionable.

I'll wait until day 7 to officially pull any clears, but I'm think I'm definitely going to cough up the money to ship hatching eggs via transporter instead of USPS in the future - this is by far the best fertility outcome I've had on shipped eggs, and the air cells were all perfectly intact, which I've never had happen with shipped eggs before.
Firstly, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate (even the non-religious like me who just like to have a good excuse to make Loaded Baked-Potato "Salad")!

Secondly, I have my January hatch Day 9 update:

Day 7 confirmed the results of day 4. 9 eggs were infertile, 6 were fertile but red-ring, and 14 are fertile and look great!

The color breakdown of the 14 fertile is as follows:
4 Cuckoo, 2 Lemon, 2 Lemon Cuckoo, 2 unknown-colored Frizzle, and one each Blue, Mauve/Choc Cuckoo, Mottled, Paint, and Splash.

I do wish that all the Lemon/ Lemon Cuckoo had been fertile, because those are the colors I purchased these for (The Jerk needs some compatible-color ladies), but now I'll just have to cross my fingers for all pullets... 🤪

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