Updates on all the ducks.. My Swedish Drake (Prince) is chasing all the ducklings around especially the females.. I am thinking he wants to mate them, I hope he is not neglecting the adult females since im selling fertilized eggs on EBay. Cleaner has stopped laying eggs, not sure why. And the four ducklings are growing, the three are bigger than Chase, he seems to be a mini duck (runt) lol.
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I'd say that is exactly what is on Princes mind. Females not of laying age shouldn't be in with a drake. They are all beautiful

Cleaner is probably just taking a break the girls have to do that to give their bodies time to recoup.
I let them all free range during the day so plenty of yard for them to move around, but they all like to stay semi close together and he starts the chase. And thank you, I still find it funny how three of the ducks are from Prince (Black Swedish) and Cleaner (pekin) and all three are different colors. The Rouen is from Prince with my female Rouen.
Updates on my Duck Story.... Since last I posted...
1) I have managed to sell 2 dozen fertilized duck eggs on EBay..
2) Found out I need a permit in Florida to own ducks.. so I applied for the free one.
3) Every day I have been separating Prince with an adult female in the jail (visitation lol) to help with fertile eggs.. Last week was Mal, this week is Princess (can sell Swedish eggs instead of barnyard mix)
4) Starting to think somehow Prince mated a call duck, Chase is smaller than the others, but not as small as i would expect a call duck to be.. Kind of in the middle.
5) Lastly, we are starting to think all the juveniles are females, no rasps yet and they all can get loud. They are 2 months old now.

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