So for some reason the thought popped in my head about a book that identifies domestic ducks, from ducklings to adults maybe even juveniles. The problem is i have not ever seen a book like this, hardly even a chart, Storey's has some but my copy is black and white. So I decided to atleast for me and others on here who always ask the what breed question to slowly work on an amateur type book with duck breeds. Might even include my own breed I am thinking of working on since it looks like chase is a girl. Thats if i can reproduce the desired breeding outcome.
Your spending less than I And I never make anything back except the joy of having them in my life. :love
Yeah my wife is telling me cant spend anymore other than food without making some back lol. And i realized afterwards its actually more, forgot to include the sand and pea gravel I spend on the floor.
So wonder every ones opinion on this. Deciding once a week to have the ducks do a grazing day. I noticed they dont graze as much as they will go after their food. In areas they relax at mostly and go to the bathroom (drake jail also) there seems to be increasing small flies. They dont touch them, lots of weeds and grass in the area with the same.
So my idea is having a grazing day, like a wild duck would most likely have. Without giving them food, or minimum amount sprinkled around to get them to hunt their own food. This morning before I left for work, I broke up a leaf of cabbage and put it around.
@Miss Lydia @casportpony
If your talking adults I guess it can't hurt maybe offer them feed before putting them up at night? Kids I would say need the extra feed since they are growing.

I keep feed out all during daylight hrs since mine are laying heavy right now I want to make sure they are getting proper nutrients.
If your talking adults I guess it can't hurt maybe offer them feed before putting them up at night? Kids I would say need the extra feed since they are growing.

I keep feed out all during daylight hrs since mine are laying heavy right now I want to make sure they are getting proper nutrients.
I normally have food out all day for them and they will eat it all, I only have one laying normally right now, also have oyster shell out 24/7 for them as well. They just dont seem to want to graze any, right near their food is a garden we made for them (tomatoes and cucumber) and I have noticed small snails in there and other insects that killed the cucumber plant. All ducks are 2 months or older now.
Seems mine do most of their foraging in the morning since in the heat of the day they want to lay around in the shade. 2months seems young but hey observe and see what this test does? if it motivates them to get out and find food and you don't notice anything off about them. Weight loss etc, then your most likely on the right track. You planted them a garden for them do they eat on it at all?

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