NPIP certified? If not why?

I have been NPIP every year since 2003. It is free here in MD. I am in the 90-day AI program (birds get tested every 3 months, not 6). My Dept. of Ag will NOT let me buy birds from non-NPIP people. They say if I do I will lose my NPIP status. No untested birds are to enter my property for any reason, even if they are meat birds I want to butcher & eat the day I get them. It's a no-no.
I do not have to be certified to sell in the state I live in only to ship the closest I come to need to be certified is when folks from NC come up here and buy my quail/eggs but as far as the commonwealth of Va is concerned they were sold within the commonwealth so there is no need for me to participate.
It is different in each state. The feds get blamed for a lot that the states do. Anyway, that is another rant.

Before they started the NPIP program, pullorum was a lot more common. Now it is pretty rare. How common would pullorum become if the NPIP program disappeared? Well, it was a lot more common before the NPIP program started.

I agree with SpeckledHen. NPIP gives a false sense of security. It was designed for a specific purpose, not a cure-all. A skin cancer screening does not protect you against typhoid, pneumonia, or the common cold. It doesn't even protect you against other kinds of cancer. NPIP was designed for a specific purpose.

Editted to actually answer the OP's question. I don't participate but I don't sell hatching eggs, chicks, or chickens. I do not always get NPIP certified hatching eggs, but if I got hatching eggs from out of state, I'd probably want NPIP eggs. I don't knowingly violate the law just because I think I can get away with it. That's my personal ethics.
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Yep! NPIP does have their purposes but not all of us like the government being more invasive in our private stock. Maybe they are so hard up for money.

How long ago was pullorum and typhoid was rampant? It is the combined effort of chicken folks trying to eliminate the diseases out of our flock. However we might be compromised with birds with no immunity against it if pullorum/typhoid rears its ugly head again....hope not! Like chicken pox, with all the vaccinations out there for our children, it may be on the lowest threat for children and adults.
That is a logical reason not to get certified.

Also a market for eggs and birds says NPIP certifed eggs and birds have no adventage (pricewise) over noncertified poultry.

Markets are always right.

I do not trust Government on any level, so I pass. Our Government , not the people is a cause of US going down the drain and US Government should be held responsible for suffering of millions of our honest and hardworking citizens and families losing their jobs, homes and hope.

Currently millions of fellow Americans are victims of Government criminal irresponsibility, corruption and tyrrany.

My birds are healthy and happy cause I take good care of them and paying close attention to any new aquisitions keeps my flock free of desease so far.

Buing stock from NPIP "certified" party is no way any guarantee the birds are free of desease.
Of course they don't have the small farms and backyards interest at the big chicken businesses down the from where you live is where their main interest is. I am NPIP but it is free here in AL

Can you tell me how to get certified in Alabama? Who would I contact?

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