Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Both will get the job done, but the males are bigger dogs for sure. Typically, if you got a good mama dog, she'll train em for you. If not, you just got to watch em until they figure it out. The main problem with GP's is the fact they take forever to mature. I've never seen one attack a chicken, but have seen them like to lick feathers, or just run right over them because they weren't paying attention. GP's are very intelligent dogs, and good stock won't need much training, but they do bark a lot, don't like being confined, and take a couple of years before they quit acting like puppies. Here is a pic with their daddy. BTW, the pups that I am letting go were already long spoken for before I had them guys and gals...lol! Also, these are around 6 weeks old right now.

I agree with everything you said except the color thing and the neck sweep. Brazilians come every color under the sun, and there is no particular coloring specific to the breed. The hackle sweep should be present on Shamo as well, even if you don't always see it with birds in the US. There is also quite a bit of variance in the type as they aren't bred to a show standard either.

Agreed, but I really will still say, at least, ooh, 1/3 of Brazilians I've seen do carry the dun gene, whatever color they are. The cock in your photo carries it. He's part Asil, part Brazilian right? I've seen plenty without it but a whole load of them with, whatever patterning or base color they have (wheaten, lacing, spangling, columbian, bbr, black, etc)

I honestly at times wish Shamos could have the dun gene, would make for some beautiful cocks like your avatar, but, I want to try and keep with purebreds. I don't know how easy it would be having crossbreds especially to sell. I know people sell crossbreds under false purebred label often (the first "shamo" I loved was actually part Brazlian) but I wouldn't do it if I knew I had such. I had and also will soon have dom-based Shamos which I know aren't a traditional purebred Shamo color in the US, but I've no evidence seeing my birds are crossbred. Outside the US I've seen O-Shamos in colors other than Wheaten and Black, so,
I've certainly not enough experience in Gamefowl to know really the history in colors of breeds. It isn't an important thing but it does help one in knowing purity.

Is that an Asil with the pups? I always forget how small they actually are
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The bird in my avatar is 1/2 Brazilian and 1/2 Asil. The bird next to the pups is 3/4 Asil and 1/4 Brazilian, and he's not small by any means, the pups are just big...lol! He's actually close to a 6 lb bird. Honestly, I know where you are going with the color thing, but I think you will find that once you get deeper into OG's, you will find that even with O Shamo there are plenty out there that are off color, and have excellent type and are still gamefowl, you just have to know the right people...lol! Now it is true that you will mostly see BBR, black, or white Shamo in the states, but there are others out there, and Shamo do come dom as well. I agree that most Brazilian are off color, or have it in them, but with either breed it has no factor in the "pureness" IMO. True games are not bred for color, and that especially goes for OG's, which you can see in their history. Now saying that, many different cultures have very strong beliefs in color, especially when it comes to Asil, and Thai, so we are both kind of right, it just depends who you talk to. ;)
Oh, and that was kinda my point - Color is a very interesting trait, but, I really do look more forward to simply having pure Shamos of good type.

I take back my comment on the bird then though, those are indeed big pups!
Hey, all!

Does anyone know what I could do with my non-game Oriental cock? He's definitely purebred Oriental (hard-feathered, erect, long legs and neck), but as I've probably mentioned before, he's just not game. Sure, he's the most dominant rooster in my free-range flock, but he hasn't tried to kill anybody.

I have made the hard decision that keeping Orientals is not for me during this season of my life. My budget simply doesn't allow the funds for all the upkeep, and it is far more economical for me to free-range my birds instead of keeping them on tie-cords. Though I still staunchly support you guys for your preservation of these magnificent birds, I must confess that, at least for the time being, I cannot join the inner circle.

That said, I would like to cross my cock to some sort of laying breed like the Minorca to get an Oriental-ish dual purpose bird. Does this sound like a good plan? Also, if any of you ever have any Orientals that aren't exhibiting gameness, please contact me before you send them to Freezer Camp. I would probably be willing to take them off your hands if the time and money was right on my end.

Any ideas and/or thoughts would be appreciated.

God Bless,
Hey, all!

Does anyone know what I could do with my non-game Oriental cock? He's definitely purebred Oriental (hard-feathered, erect, long legs and neck), but as I've probably mentioned before, he's just not game. Sure, he's the most dominant rooster in my free-range flock, but he hasn't tried to kill anybody.

I have made the hard decision that keeping Orientals is not for me during this season of my life. My budget simply doesn't allow the funds for all the upkeep, and it is far more economical for me to free-range my birds instead of keeping them on tie-cords. Though I still staunchly support you guys for your preservation of these magnificent birds, I must confess that, at least for the time being, I cannot join the inner circle.

That said, I would like to cross my cock to some sort of laying breed like the Minorca to get an Oriental-ish dual purpose bird. Does this sound like a good plan? Also, if any of you ever have any Orientals that aren't exhibiting gameness, please contact me before you send them to Freezer Camp. I would probably be willing to take them off your hands if the time and money was right on my end.

Any ideas and/or thoughts would be appreciated.

God Bless,

Gosh Gresh, if you are free ranging that bird and he's not trying to kill anyone, that's not a true test of gameness. If he's dominant and gets respect and if your other birds grew up with him and don't challenge him, he's doing what he should. He's the cock of the walk. Now, if he is confronted by a strange cock and he either won't fight, or he runs away, then he needs to go in the pot. If your Barred Rock cockeral sends him running, same thing. Eat him. Seems to me I remember that you haven't had him long. How old is he? Maybe you are just discouraged by slow maturing or lack of funds to purchase pure stock. All reasons I have heard from others. No problem, gamefowl of any breed aren't for everyone.
As for crossing with a Minorca, bad idea. The offspring will neither lay well, or be game. Just chickens. That's a waste of money and time. Pick one and put your efforts into it. One breed at a time is the best way to learn. Good luck to you, my friend. I'm rooting for ya.........Pop
So what colors of shamo are accepted by the APA? I think the color dom is not accepted but I have seen some beautiful ones of that color.

BBR, Dark, Wheaten, and Black.

Technically BBR is just a darker version of Wheaten, practically just a melanized one or the sorts (likely carrying mahogany too). Dark is also very similar but with patterning. Wheaten is only recognized in females, since the male is identical to BBR. And then there's Black.

Outside the APA showring colors I've seen Dom (barred) Dom Wheaten, White, Blue, Splash, Spangled, Mottled, and Blue Wheaten in the US.
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Gosh Gresh, if you are free ranging that bird and he's not trying to kill anyone, that's not a true test of gameness. If he's dominant and gets respect and if your other birds grew up with him and don't challenge him, he's doing what he should. He's the cock of the walk. Now, if he is confronted by a strange cock and he either won't fight, or he runs away, then he needs to go in the pot. If your Barred Rock cockeral sends him running, same thing. Eat him. Seems to me I remember that you haven't had him long. How old is he? Maybe you are just discouraged by slow maturing or lack of funds to purchase pure stock. All reasons I have heard from others. No problem, gamefowl of any breed aren't for everyone.
As for crossing with a Minorca, bad idea. The offspring will neither lay well, or be game. Just chickens. That's a waste of money and time. Pick one and put your efforts into it. One breed at a time is the best way to learn. Good luck to you, my friend. I'm rooting for ya.........Pop

Wow...and for months now I've thought a gamecock was game because he wouldn't tolerate any breathing rooster other than himself! Thanks for straightening me out on that one: I guess I've just heard a couple stories about gamecocks attacking perfectly passive free-range non-game cocks. Are there some gamefowl breeds that are more tolerant of non-aggressive roos then other gamefowl breeds?

As to the focusing on one particular breed, I would certainly like to, but my family has a lot of chickens already and my parents are understandably particular about how many we keep. Plus, we've gotten attached to some of them so that it would be hard to sell/butcher them all and start all over. Besides, my sister would hate me for it, and I wouldn't half blame her.
Right now we have a very mixed flock, and the only bird that isn't hatchery stock is my gamecock. A few of our birds actually have good type for hatchery birds, but most of them are the kind of pet-quality mutts you get from hatcheries.

I'm getting Minorcas because they are a large, good egg-layer, and I wasn't sure if maybe an Oriental X Minorca would produce an economical bird or not. Do you know of anybody who may have done something like this and gotten good results?

Thanks for your advice: I always need more of it as an amateur chicken-keeper. In fact, this March marks my 1-year anniversary as a chicken owner....

God bless,

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