Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

breeding pair for this year ,hen is not laying yet.
the rooster is with another hens
Really nice birds, gallo! What color would you call that hen? Dark Wheaten? Laced Wheaten? Forgive me, I'm terrible with colors
Gresh, I think you missed the point he was making. In a free range environment, and the other roosters all run from him, he has nobody to fight. A gamecock will not tolerate other roosters around period, but if they steer clear of him, things will be semi-peaceful with only one gamecock on the yard. Most of us have more than one cock bird on our yard, so free ranging isn't an option.
Wow...and for months now I've thought a gamecock was game because he wouldn't tolerate any breathing rooster other than himself! Thanks for straightening me out on that one: I guess I've just heard a couple stories about gamecocks attacking perfectly passive free-range non-game cocks. Are there some gamefowl breeds that are more tolerant of non-aggressive roos then other gamefowl breeds?

As to the focusing on one particular breed, I would certainly like to, but my family has a lot of chickens already and my parents are understandably particular about how many we keep. Plus, we've gotten attached to some of them so that it would be hard to sell/butcher them all and start all over. Besides, my sister would hate me for it, and I wouldn't half blame her.
Right now we have a very mixed flock, and the only bird that isn't hatchery stock is my gamecock. A few of our birds actually have good type for hatchery birds, but most of them are the kind of pet-quality mutts you get from hatcheries.

I'm getting Minorcas because they are a large, good egg-layer, and I wasn't sure if maybe an Oriental X Minorca would produce an economical bird or not. Do you know of anybody who may have done something like this and gotten good results?

Thanks for your advice: I always need more of it as an amateur chicken-keeper. In fact, this March marks my 1-year anniversary as a chicken owner....

God bless,
Oriental games are not as aggressive as American fowl, in my opinion. Most Orientals seem fine with other birds around as long as the birds are passive, in the Oriental's I have observed (both my Shamo and the other cocks from other breeders). American games can be somewhat more aggressive and sometimes will chase other birds, I've had them do it. But typically as long as the other cocks are passive there is no big deal there.

That is what makes using cocks to police young stags so well, it keeps the young birds pecked down so that they don't try to advance in rank for sometime (I.E. a individual that is in a pen of stags may game up at 6-7 months , while a bird that is policed by a cock may take a month or so longer). This is not a guarantee, but it does help sometimes.

Still though, if the cock does not show any type of dominance/aggression towards your other cocks that is a different story. A gamecock has his boundaries usually, if another cock comes in it he'll chase him off. If they just happened to be big buddies and walked around all of the time or even sleep side by side- there is a problem.

God bless,

PS.. Picked up 20 BBred Kraienkoeppe this morning from Ideal, one is so dark he appears black or brown red at first glance.. Others typical BBred pattern while one-two wheaten variety. Got about 10 Buff Leghorns for egg layers as well.
Thanks! I just got him a little over a month ago. He was my first game. I am wishing I had bought a Brazilian hen to go along with him but at the time I was thinking I would just have him because I have always loved the looks of these birds. I just managed to get this Asil hen and if nothing else it should be interesting to see what the cross produces.
Nice fowl, Jen. The cock looks like a veteran. Are those stubs of new growth, or has his spurs been trimmed? From experience, I can tell you that the offspring should be excellent. However, I would make great effort to secure a mate for each of them. Nothing like having pure ingredience.........Pop
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Thanks Pop. His spurs have not been trimmed as far as I know. I was told that he was less than a year old. He is a decent sized guy already. I measured him at 23" and 7.5 lbs and I imagine he may get a little heavier. I had really not planned on breeding games, but since getting these I am getting quite obsessed with them. I'm guessing there are more games in my future. The person I bought the Brazilian from is only a few hours from me so shouldn't be too difficult to get a hen from him

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