Updated pictures of Long.
Legs got to come inside and sit with me a few minutes tonight. He stood on my legs facing me and would rest his neck over my shoulder. He must have really stuffed on the cracked corn tonight as he turned down a treat which is unusual. When it was time for me to take him back to his coop I stood him up on the arm of my chair while I went to put my boots on. He never moved and stood still and let me pick him up with out any fuss to go back outside for the night. I've never had a rooster anything like he is before. I do put my glasses on to make sure he doesn't peck me in the eye. I had a Delaware hen do that and it is not fun. As strong as he is he might take the eye out and have it swallowed before I could realize what he had done. He is quick on the draw with that long reach of his. When he is up close and personal you can almost see his mind at work.
Looked up from where I was working outside today to see Legs out with a flock of RIR hens free ranging. He was surrounded by the hens and looked like he was totally confused. He has been following me around more and more seeing more territory as the days go by. I don't know what kind of cold his breeding can take safely so on the upcoming nights with temps in the teens he is going to spend the nights in a dog kennel out back inside a utility area for safety.
Legs is inside for a few days now during this bitter cold snap. Held him up for a man to look at tonight and he couldn't get over how long and tall that kid is. He was seeing it but I think he went home in disbelief. I'm ordering some Saipan to breed him too. I think that will be a still tall bird with a color pattern even better than what Legs has. His off spring from that cross should be even taller and larger than he is. While we wait on those he gets two Dark Cornish of his own and they get a coop and run of their own that is predator proof. Coyotes howl here at night and some are getting braver. I think I've see sign of them here in my yard. They visit yards a 1/4 mile down the road. My little Honey girl is trying to lay like a leghorn. She comes in at night for a safe sleep in a kennel and lays an egg early before going back out. She gets a scrambled egg for breakfast and starts looking for it before I can pick her up and bring her in from the sun room. She is quite feisty from her game fowl genes when it comes to defending what's hers. She takes nothing from one of the large adult hens. With us she is all pet. She will fall asleep in a heart beat in our arms.
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Legs is inside for a few days now during this bitter cold snap. Held him up for a man to look at tonight and he couldn't get over how long and tall that kid is. He was seeing it but I think he went home in disbelief. I'm ordering some Saipan to breed him too. I think that will be a still tall bird with a color pattern even better than what Legs has. His off spring from that cross should be even taller and larger than he is. While we wait on those he gets two Dark Cornish of his own and they get a coop and run of their own that is predator proof. Coyotes howl here at night and some are getting braver. I think I've see sign of them here in my yard. They visit yards a 1/4 mile down the road. My little Honey girl is trying to lay like a leghorn. She comes in at night for a safe sleep in a kennel and lays an egg early before going back out. She gets a scrambled egg for breakfast and starts looking for it before I can pick her up and bring her in from the sun room. She is quite feisty from her game fowl genes when it comes to defending what's hers. She takes nothing from one of the large adult hens. With us she is all pet. She will fall asleep in a heart meat in our arms.
Saipan Junglefowl would make a very interesting mix. As far as I'm aware they're the only feral Malayoid out there. You may end up making an ideal genetic foundation for an American malayoid landrace

Around 80 years ago the US Army wanted to create a feral chicken for North America but their project that used bankivoid Red Junglefowl failed. Only one small town in Georgia has survivors from the project. All others died

Maybe a Malayoid could make it

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