The Honey Factory

Thank you, I always wondered if bees would pollinate pot.. (I don't use the stuff) I'm only curious!
I don't use it either but I'm not opposed to it other than when my neighbors decide to fill my house with it's stench... I'm always worried I'll get a secondary high and flunk a random drug test at work and get fired without any of the fun to deserve it.
I don't use it either but I'm not opposed to it other than when my neighbors decide to fill my house with it's stench... I'm always worried I'll get a secondary high and flunk a random drug test at work and get fired without any of the fun to deserve it.
That's a possibility. and oh yes, that stuff stinks!
I actually kind of know this one. There is actually someone doing this on purpose to try to make honey with the "good stuff" from the pot in it. Apparently the bees don't like pollinating those plants and have to be somewhat forced to by putting them in a building or something with no choice but to use the pot plants. I don't know that they had gotten enough honey yet to see if it had the results they wanted or not though.

I ran into an article about it at one point.
Poor bees. If they don't like polinating it, one supposes they have their reasons. These pharmaceutically active plants are toxic--that's why they work. In small, careful quantities they are often therapeutic. I would imagine the bees know instinctively whether or not they should consider them as a food source.
Probably because they were intoxicated and thought it would be funny to loosen up the neighborhood "prudes."
Possibly. Of course, they have some sort of home business where they do crafty things, so it COULD have been hemp scraps which apparently smell the same when burned. But, based on their other activities I have my doubts.

If they stink up my house too much I'm going to inform them nicely that I have to be able to pass drug tests to keep my job (unlike them apparently) and that it would be nice to not have to worry about secondary highs IN MY HOUSE... We already had to teach them how to park since they were taking up pretty much every parking space on our street (they have a driveway and back yard they can access, we have a shared driveway that we can't use due to the neighbor parking in it so we don't have a choice but street parking) and leaving nowhere for me to park when I got home from work multiple times.

Oh well, back to the bees
I think my neighbor Joe just caught on that my bees swarmed in May, and that there has been a disturbance in the bee force, lol


April and May he was seeing a lot of my bees at his place 1/2 mile away... since that hive was bubbling over then...

His trees ‘out in front’ are mimosas that just started blooming...

he has had feral bees on his place the past few years too, so apparently they’re not visiting the mimosas either... dunno what’s going on there... maybe someone else is growing whacky weed around here and the wild bees went all ‘Cheech and Chong’

The top 2 pictures are showing capped Queen cells in the new hive.

I saw this “chain of bees” when I was looking at the original hive. Have you ever seen anything like that? Anyone know why they are doing that?
This looks like a capped Queen cell. The only problem is that this is in the original hive. 😳 They have a super on top that they aren’t using yet and they have 2 or 3 frames in the 2nd brood box ( that this frame came from) that are still pretty empty. And 1 or 2 other frames partly used. I think those are the 4 empty frames I put in when I did the split on June 16th.
So, I’m not sure what to think. What do you guys think? Are they trying to replace their Queen? ( seems like she has been doing a great job 🤷‍♀️but I have never seen her). Are they getting ready to swarm? Am I not seeing Queen cells but rather something else?
I’ve messaged my mentor but haven’t heard from her yet.

I think there are Queen cells in the making on this frame too. Also from original hive.
View attachment 2209504View attachment 2209506
The top 2 pictures are showing capped Queen cells in the new hive.
View attachment 2209508
I saw this “chain of bees” when I was looking at the original hive. Have you ever seen anything like that? Anyone know why they are doing that?
View attachment 2209509This looks like a capped Queen cell. The only problem is that this is in the original hive. 😳 They have a super on top that they aren’t using yet and they have 2 or 3 frames in the 2nd brood box ( that this frame came from) that are still pretty empty. And 1 or 2 other frames partly used. I think those are the 4 empty frames I put in when I did the split on June 16th.
So, I’m not sure what to think. What do you guys think? Are they trying to replace their Queen? ( seems like she has been doing a great job 🤷‍♀️but I have never seen her). Are they getting ready to swarm? Am I not seeing Queen cells but rather something else?
I’ve messaged my mentor but haven’t heard from her yet.
View attachment 2209517
I think there are Queen cells in the making on this frame too. Also from original hive.

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