The Old Folks Home

A friend sent DH this post today. Thought y'all would get a kick out of it. I did.

Great mental exercise for the "older" crowd.

Which of the following names are you familiar with?
1. Monica Lewinsky
2. Spiro Agnew
3. Benito Mussolini
4. Adolf Hitler
5. Jorge Bergoglio
6. Alfonse Capone
7. Vladimir Putin
8. Linda Lovelace
9. Saddam Hussein
10. Tiger Woods

You had trouble with #5, didn't you?

You know all the liars, criminals, adulterers, murderers,
thieves, s**s and cheaters, but you don't know the Pope?

Lovely, just lovely -- sometimes I worry about you
I didn't know #2, #5
Miss Brandi Snored through the whole ordeal. LOL Though we did have a fright later that night. Let her out to go potty and went about our business. about an hour later No Brandi.... she usually checks her mail boxes does her business and comes back in.

But she is sooo quiet we usually dont hear her come back in... WE searched the house... No Brandi... Dean Turned on the porch light.... NO Brandi.... He called... No Brandi. I am thinking Oh F*** and my her pounds.... the side gate ... could she have pushed it open.

Dean grabbed a flash light and disappeared into the dark. And was gone a long time.... No Dean No Brandi....

Pretty soon I hear him talking to her and they come in.... He with a grin on his face .... She with spider webs and a leaf stuck to her nose. Apparently she was investigating What Dean thought was a Rats nest in the lawn mower...


Shes doing well now... Eating a full bowl of kibble without coaxing.... Telling me when Grandma is making noises in her bedroom. Keeping an eye on her as well. Working Dean and I for Skritchies... Not overtly begging at dinner time.... I am having to refrain myself from feeding her from my plate... BAD habit on my part... sigh.

Dean heard her Woof once... he said is a very loud bark... her doing her mail box routine and seeing something beyond the fence.

Her final Vet exam is today...

Such a sweetie! She's very fortunate to have found you.
Same here...allergic to everything under the sun apparently. How is one allergic to lettuce? :lau I did the immunotherapy and testing for several years; first shots and then the sublingual drops. The last time I took the was summer when my allergies are the worst. That didn't work out too well. I started feeling ill almost as soon as I left the office and it just continued to get worse. I was so sick by the time I got home (3 hour drive) I didn't care if I lived or died. I spent a few days in bed. I never went back. I think my doctor has passed. I've done the best once I figured out my triggers and medicate with allergy meds accordingly.

I did learn a few really important things through immunotherapy. I got sick right after I married and moved here and was sick for years; just feeling terrible and the docs couldn't figure out my bladder. I felt like I had forks scraping the walls of my bladder 100% of the time. I spent years going to the bathroom 8-10 times a night...same frequency through the day. Looking back I don't know how I got anything It eventually lessened and mostly went away. The first year I went for testing, one of the injections gave me the same feeling and pain as I had once had. It was an "a ha" moment. I'm assuming something different in this area or perhaps something in the house we built didn't agree with me.

I also found out from the nurses doing the needles how heat and cold can exacerbate allergies. Cold is wonderful...but heat is a major one for me.
Good luck on everyone's hatching! Good luck with the pip Ron! Micro, your DH sounds like my I've hatched the eggs that sat out cold for 12 hours when the guys cleaned the coop. And I still can't believe that I hatched a chick from the eggs that were sat on by Chewbacca and her keet for almost week, put in a pail and left for 2.5 days and then put back in heat in the incubator. I'm trying to explain how amazing this is and DH isn't having any of it. In his words..."It just means more chickens." 42kmoig2.gif
I'm like clap.gif :yesss::woot and he's like blabla.gif bash.gif snapoutofit.gif
But then he brings four eggs home from a smashed nest last night. :th
byc scared hide.gif I'm assuming dux? :confused: wtf.gif
:barnieWhich I forgot to put in the incubator until later today. :he
I candled tonight & I'm going to have 4 somethings in a couple of days. 550769-66bb8e5f82ffa3b293b8681cfd4b9290.gif 550769-66bb8e5f82ffa3b293b8681cfd4b9290.gif 550769-66bb8e5f82ffa3b293b8681cfd4b9290.gif 550769-66bb8e5f82ffa3b293b8681cfd4b9290.gif
They're just about ready to hatch. runcirclsmiley2.gif
The End.

Brought to you by EMOJI STORIES.
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Are you sure you're old enough to hang out here?:lau

That was the only one I didn't get.

Please don't send me away.

I got 9 jelly jars full. I usually do 2 batches so I have some to give away, but not this year. Trying more simple. I had quite a few jars left over from last year, from a new jam I tried - peach pineapple cherry amaretto - which wasn't great but wasn't bad - and a bunch of apple butter and a ton of tomatoes (had a bumper year of them).
They mowed, and baled hay in the field across the driveway yesterday. It was fun to watch, but today my allergies are going insane.

When we get a lot of rain here, the ants seek higher ground. Not often, but occasionally we get a few ants that come up through the bathtub drain. Dh went nuts today. Grabbed the Comet cleanser, and went to town. That was a good thing, BUT he also grabbed a pool chlorine tablet, and proceeded to dissolve some of it, and wash it down the drain. NOT good. Then he put the remainder of the tablet in the toilet tank. REALLY NOT good. We have a septic tank.

I printed out a guide for him on the care, and maintenance on septic systems, especially the list of what not to put down the drains. It's not like I haven't told him this before. He knows I pour oils, and grease out, and wipe the pan before washing them, so as not to get any buildup in the septic system. I've commented several times that I was surprised the house had a garbage disposal, with a septic system, but I'm a bit careful about what, and how much I put in it. Well, he read the guide, asked some questions, and hopefully it will sink in.

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