Why did I eat this?!?

We went on a food tour last night. Below is one of the dishes I was given, and ate without asking questions... any guesses what it was?

(Hint: I'm in Japan)

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I have no idea, but I really think you should have asked questions before eating that.
Welp, time to add something to my recipe list. We're working on quail salt eggs and, once I get enough, quail century (decade?) eggs. When I was younger, I remember eating iguana stew (which must have contained ovaries because there were just...yolks) and it was delicious. I would consider raising iguana for more stew if they didn't grow so slowly.

I definitely get feeling grossed out by certain foods, though. I think I would need to pump myself up to eat a whole bug, haha, and I've had silkworm pupae before!
What area of Japan?
That was in Kyoto (our second city). We started out in Shibuya City, then Kyoto, now finishing up our trip in Hykone.

There was another different time that our guide (a different AirBNB food tour experience) asked if we wanted to try a "mystery meat" and I said no.

I really should have learned from that and thought better when this other guide gave us something to eat and said to guess what it was. Ugh. I still can't get it out of my head!

I get really in my head about where food comes from, textures, etc. I'm not really a fan of sushi or "weird" food.

Heck, full-disclosure: when I first got chickens, it took me a while to feel comfortable eating their eggs... especially after getting them from the nest box all warm, and then over-thinking about where they just came from, etc. :(

... to this day I still have a hard time eating boned / skin-on chicken and start thinking too much about what I'm eating.

spam musubi
My GF is a HUGE HUGE fan of it!!! :D
I think that might be tripe (stomach lining of cow, sheep, pig)with onions or scallions and whatever those round things are - yellow cherry tomatoes maybe? I think that dish is called montsumikomi.
Tripe is not common anymore in the US but not uncommon in other places. I had something similar once long ago, it was pretty good.
You obviously don't live in the Southwest or Texas, tripe can be found in any grocery store, and it's always fresh!

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