Young seagull (?) injured wing - vets closed currently


May 27, 2023
Found an injured young bird that looks like an adolescent seagull - I don’t think the whole wing is broken, it looks like 3 feathers specifically have been injured 😢 we managed to capture it and we’ve taped the feathers with vet wrap just to keep them in a good place.
What can we do? It settled down on my lap very easily but wasn’t eating or drinking which made us think it was probably terrified and in shock so we have a large dog cage and filled/covered it with towels and blankets and put some food and water in there for it for the time being

We also have a friend who’s dealt with broken wing birds before so just waiting on a response from her but is there anything else we can do in the meantime? Any advice on food/water/handling/temperature/treating the wing that would be really important?


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Is there a wildlife rehab center you can bring it to?

Since seagulls are protected your thread may be locked due to the Migratory Bird Act.
Oh right I wasn’t sure! And sadly no there isn’t 😢 we’ve looked but not really any options as we kind of live in the middle of nowhere currently with only a pretty crappy vets somewhat nearby. Everything is basically closed now anyway so it’ll be tomorrow when we can start looking more - just wanted to know if there was anything I should know in the meantime!
I’m pretty sure OP is in England…Maybe they’re not protected over there?
Yes I am from England - when I looked it up i saw some info from RSPB about keeping in a box in a cool quiet room so it can calm down which is basically what we have done so far ! We don’t plan to keep it as a pet unless it needs a foster home since it can’t fly currently, but I’ve been asking around other friends who deal with injured birds for advice which I’m just waiting for a reply on currently ! 😓
Oh right I wasn’t sure! And sadly no there isn’t 😢 we’ve looked but not really any options as we kind of live in the middle of nowhere currently with only a pretty crappy vets somewhat nearby. Everything is basically closed now anyway so it’ll be tomorrow when we can start looking more - just wanted to know if there was anything I should know in the meantime!
Maybe offer him some sugar water in the cage but other than that I would leave him alone.
Maybe offer him some sugar water in the cage but other than that I would leave him alone.
I looked it up and it’s completely legal to take in wild injured birds in England so long as they aren’t one of the birds on the list they have ( I checked the list and it’s all mostly large dangerous birds of prey) and we have left it alone now so it can calm down and there’s already some food and water in there for it just incase ! 😊

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