Recent content by Floydie

  1. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Then you should have got yourself safe and called for an ambulance.. and the police. That person was ill, and needed help! it is classed as a medical emergency. I dont know if you are joking or not but I dont find anti mental health stuff very funny. This is why some people put off getting...
  2. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Been there many times. And worse. We just have to keep plodding on. Life can be so unfair, hard, utterly rubbish. But theres small moments that are beautiful. Find those small moments, keep plodding on till the next one comes along.
  3. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    This is only small. A 1lb loaf or 4 bread rolls is all I could make in it.
  4. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    We got given an air fryer. So as I had nothing to do I made some Air fryer bread. This recipe makes 1 1lb loaf. I cooked it for an extra 5 mins out of the tin.
  5. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I made some chocolate chip muffins because I was bored. 🙈
  6. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Egg tarts turned out well. Posting the recipe so I can screen shot it to keep for myself. Egg tart. 7 eggs wisked. 700ml milk wisked into eggs, 1/4 cup of sugar wisked in eggs. Nutmeg on top. Bake 15 mins 200.C then 10 mins 180.C Use what ever pastry you like to bake with. Makes upto 3 tarts...
  7. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Couple of egg custard tarts.
  8. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Well, I dont know whats gone on (nothing to do with me) but I'm glad you are ok Aria. Can we all move on and be friends again? Get back to baking and sharing our bakes?
  9. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    No1 son made his tiger loaf. Its only taken him a few weeks to get round to doing it. Has anyone heard from Aria?
  10. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?
  11. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    The last time I had a very bad set of bipolar episodes (before I was diagnosed) I had dreams/night times.. just like that. (But also stuff going on in the day too) My parents were told I was possibly ADHD as a child. I hope you get sorted soon, hopefully they will find out whats causing it and...
  12. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I've only been baking coconut flour cookies. I plan to bake some egg custard tarts at the weekend though. And no1 son still has the bread mix to make that I bought nearly a month ago now. Have made semolina pudding too, but theres not much baking in that really...
  13. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I wanted to make ginger biscuits today so tried this recipe. Only I only had low fat peanut butter, and no molasses.. so I used a tablespoon of honey instead. Also used frozen ginger. I am trying coconut flour as I read it was good for heart health. Plus I also like to experiment with...
  14. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Suppose they are frosted cupcakes.
  15. Floydie

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    My sister made us these buns to cheer us up after Lola died. Thought I'd share.
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