Handling older chicks?

If you really want them tame, take away their food for an hour or so then feed them by hand..di it constantly and every chance you have until they run to you and attack the food in your hand and will jump into it. Next step is to start scooping them up, while feeding take your free hand, palm up and just scoop under them...don't lift, just let them climb on or jump off. When that is no longer a big deal to them you can just start scooping them up. Holding your other hand over the wings, talk to them, I say tsk tsk tsk - so when they are older they know it's me. At this stage, growing feathers in their little heads can be itchy, I gently rub them and, make it a nice thing for them. Then gently set them down. The more you handle them the more trust you will get, some never really tame down, but can at least be handled.
Love the handle Achickenwrangler!!! This is definitely something I'll consider. Thank you! Especially once they've been moved into the new area that my very patient DH is building. It will be an indoor chicken room in one end of the laundry area in a room off the kitchen. It has lots of natural light and with no door on the room itself, there is great ventilation as well. He is making a wire and wood framed wall and is planning to get a piece of inexpensive sheet vinyl to cover the wood floor. It won't be up permanently but will permit ample room for as many chicks as necessary at any stage of development, in addition to allowing room for me to sit on the floor with them. They can fly so a low "wall" just won't do. Hopefully they will learn to trust me soon. Today was a good day for them. They are learning to use the upper areas of their cage judging by the amount of poop on the shelves and No fear responses were induced at all. They really like being whistled to! I also did not try to catch them as suggested.
I have a bunch of 5-6 week olds that I got at 2 weeks of age. They were scared for a bit....I would talk to them and visit their brooder often and put my hand in with treats. It didn't take long for the oldest to realize "the hand" was a good thing, and it would run over and peck my fingers :) Soon, they all were! After a week, I would gently pick them up to put them outside, for playtime, and then pick them up and bring them back to the brooder. When I wanted them to come, or I had a treat to offer, I would call them "chi, chi, chi."

It seemed very sudden, they all gentled down....I moved them to the coop and now when they are being picked on, they run to me and hide around my legs. If I call "chi, chi, chi" they come running! If I put my hand down, they come and stand in front and wait for me to pick them up :) If I sit on the coop steps, they perch on my lap, or one likes to get on my shoulder

They also like a little breast rub, they bump each other out of the way! It's a very nice feeling

I never intended for this to happen, I just wanted to be able to examine them when needed...
LOL! Chicks are so darned cute.. I hope that even a few of mine end up like that. I'll bet it is a wonderful feeling!
Thanx ( at one point I thought I might need a pony to round them all up)! They will come around, it's good that they are close and easier for you to visit..they will see you as an ally. Food is a great motivator and helps them overcome their fear (they are chickens!) Wait until you see their little personalities develope, it'll be alot of fun!
x2! - Food helps! Mine love apples and mealworms ,nom nom nom!

Yes, when I first brought them home they would fly and run around in the brooder like I was going to eat them. It was after I move them to the coop they really calmed down and started to look at me as an ally....

I never thought of chickens as having "personalities" - but they sure do ;) I just bought them as "livestock," but they've become more than that....
Thanx ( at one point I thought I might need a pony to round them all up)! They will come around, it's good that they are close and easier for you to visit..they will see you as an ally. Food is a great motivator and helps them overcome their fear (they are chickens!) Wait until you see their little personalities develope, it'll be alot of fun!
The visual I get is of you riding your chicken pony rounding them up!
Love it!

I ordered some meal worms and they should be here in a few days according to the website. No one carries them locally. No one. Arghhh..

The chicks are already starting to reveal themselves and we are having a ball watching them interact. The Silver Banded Polish is by far the flighty one of the flock. The Ameraucanas are much more mellow in comparison. Better entertainment than a movie at this point. Chicken tv!!
x2! - Food helps! Mine love apples and mealworms ,nom nom nom!

Yes, when I first brought them home they would fly and run around in the brooder like I was going to eat them. It was after I move them to the coop they really calmed down and started to look at me as an ally....

I never thought of chickens as having "personalities" - but they sure do ;) I just bought them as "livestock," but they've become more than that....
LOL! I'm eager for the meal worms to arrive to test these suggestions with the little flockers. I'd be thrilled to be seen as ally!

Think I may have crossed the line into truly crazy with the setup in our laundry room. They now have a 6 x 7' area within the house to call their own, at least until the small coop arrives and is constructed. So far they have not ventured out of their house but have been looking out and seem very interested. I'm guessing they'll come out later today or tomorrow though the cage is locked up currently. We need to make sure they cannot get out or can get into any trouble before I'll be comfortable leaving them unattended in it.
I started out using the freeze dried meal worms. I bought a small bag at a local feed store, they loved them so much I bought a jar of them, but mealworm treats are so expensive I decided to try "farming" a few of them and see how that goes. I can bag them and throw them in the freezer for those long, cool months in the northwest...

Dahlisgrams, I'm sure your little birds are gonna be spoiled
Remember the theme to rawhide? Got along little doggies..er chickies, head em up move em out, rawhide! Er chick feathers!
I love that song!

I started out using the freeze dried meal worms. I bought a small bag at a local feed store, they loved them so much I bought a jar of them, but mealworm treats are so expensive I decided to try "farming" a few of them and see how that goes. I can bag them and throw them in the freezer for those long, cool months in the northwest...

Dahlisgrams, I'm sure your little birds are gonna be spoiled
They ARE expensive! You are hardcore n8ivetxn. Totally giving me ideas.

I hope they're spoiled in a good way. Nothing like a flock of little bratty chickens.....

They are really enjoying having that space to run and play and interact. One of the LF lavender ameraucanas I named Mrs. Deirdre Smith is trying hard to be top chicken. Maybe she should be named Verucka! They're truly hilarious. It's so hard not to fall in love with them. Come on meal worms!


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