Handling older chicks?

I can understand that, maybe you've heard the saying - it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all? They are harder to tame when they get older I think, and it is more difficult once you've become attached...much more difficult....I know I'll keep all this years pullets, but not all the roos...some of them will make it easier for me if they get obnoxious, some may fall prey, but maybe not too. Maybe I'll find homes for the good roos that I can't keep, I just don't know...so meanwhile I'll allow myself to get close to them, even if it's for a short while, and cross that bridge when I come to it.
I used to take care off the orphan lambs, feeding them from a bottle, playing with them, watching them run and jump and twist in the air...spring would be over, and o the market or in our freezer....and to the table, I still love roast lamb....I think they had a beautiful life though short.
I lost my favorite chicken to a coyote. It just broke my heart to lose her, but I didn't let it break me. I got 4 chicks. I'm so grateful to have had that time with my sweet girl. Nothing is certain in this world - so go hug your chicks, it's fun :)
I know I'll keep all this years pullets, but not all the roos...some of them will make it easier for me if they get obnoxious, some may fall prey, but maybe not too.
Maybe I'll find homes for the good roos that I can't keep....
I think they had a beautiful life though short.

It is tough, I just keep reminding myself I can't keep them all... I sent 2 to be processed Sunday and picked them up yesterday morning. I was surprised at my own objectivity when I saw them shrink wrapped in plastic...

* It is fun to hug a fluffy chick - but not too tight
Ben, It sounds like you've got a very well socialized flock. How wonderful!
It would have been nice to have had that opportunity with these babies but I hope to have some days olds soon. Hopefully they will be as friendly as yours sound!

n8ivetxn, I think it's a good thing to know our limitations.

Achickenwrangler, It is much the same with rescue kittens. I had to let myself love them even though it was harder to let them go once they were adopted. It was necessary for me because they were so sick and most of them hovered between life and death for what seemed like eternity and they really needed me. We ended up keeping 3 and they think of me as their mom, for absolute certainty. Not quite the same, but close. I still think of those kittens and hope that the care I gave them made it possible for them to bond with their forever families.

I'm sorry for your loss, Gardengal.
Yes, life goes on and chicks are fun and uplifting! I spent the morning taking photos of my Marans girl and she posed for me over and over. Too bad they were taken from the chicken observation lounge and not inside the run. Darned fence! lol

So far no experience with processing for meat or rehoming a rooster but we have one Polish chick that could go either way..
Why do they have to be so darned hard to sex??

We are planning to raise a few for meat though they will probably be at our daughter's place as they have more room than we do so it is a little further than me having to do it myself. Time will tell!

It's easier to hug them at night!
I make sure to pick up and hold each one at least once a day, stroke them and massage their legs; we currently have two that were about 5 months old when we got them, and the three new ones that we got 3 weeks ago were 3 to 5 weeks old. It took the older ones a month or so to get used to me, the young ones, by the second week, were very comfortable with me. It makes everything easier when they are glad to see me, run up to me when I come in their run, instead of running away scared.

Since you should inspect them periodically (for illness, injury, etc.), and sometimes you need to pick them up for other reasons, it's much easier if you've put in a bit of time acclimating them. This way they stand still while I bend down to pick them up, or sometimes they run three or four steps and then stop and wait for me.
Gargoyle, your chicks are so CUTE!

Dahlis, good for you for rescuing kittens. That would be so hard to let them go. At least, not without a 12 page contract!
Gargoyle, your chicks are so CUTE!
X2!!! Adorable love bugs!

Dahlis, good for you for rescuing kittens. That would be so hard to let them go. At least, not without a 12 page contract!
It's a calling... and an excuse to be a crazy cat lady!!

An update on the chicks: All of the advice offered here was right on track. They are now meal-worm crazed and as friendly as can be. They have become demanding little things!
It's nice not to be run from though. They really did just decide to trust us - all of a sudden.

Our new chicks are a week old and have been handled multiple times per day, but only briefly. I wouldn't call them friendly just yet, but they have only been here a couple of days and are definitely warming up to us. Chicks are funny! Here is a photo of the little ones, a bit camera shy.

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