
  1. B

    Swollen eye!

    Hi! Help needed for a very inflamed eye! I came home today to one of my chickens left eye extremely swollen, this morning it was completely fine and i cant seem to figure out the cause. She has been acting completely normal with no nasal or chest problems, no crust or leaking in the eye either...
  2. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Pullet sitting down all the time?

    Hi folks, I’ve got two new hens, one Easter Egger and a cream legbar the E.E has been laying well, but the Cream Legbar hasn’t yet, but she has been sitting down a lot outside ever since we got her just sitting not on eggs or anything just sitting down whilst everyone else is looking for bugs...
  3. NelsonNedLover

    Natural Anti-Inflammatory Recs?

    My 5 y/o Bantam rooster has just been diagnosed with a firm and medium sized mass/tumor located right on his crop, he is scheduled to have surgery on Wednesday the 15th. My poor baby has been regurgitating and losing weight for a while, he's pretty lethargic and doesn't crow anymore. We were...
  4. 1

    Injured Duck, Need Help

    I came across my duck laying down, barely able to move this morning. He is unable to stand or move much and it appears that he is unable to open his bill on his own. He has been cheeping constantly. I do not see any physical injures but am new to ducks. I did check the band on his leg but it’s...
  5. xKaitlin

    Broody duck has eggs of all different stages!!

    So my Aylesbury duck has been sitting on her eggs for almost 28 days now, and I only realised 15 days in that she had been laying the whole time. After candling the eggs I think I’ve got two out of six that are ready to pip but the rest still look quite behind as their air cell is quite small...
  6. WaterfowlsPoultry

    Crows are hanging around my coop. Is this a problem?

    We noticed 2 crows moved in, Probably mates and they seemed to want to make a nest in one of the nearby trees but the only problem is that they sometimes hang around my birds and interact with my dogs?? I get that crows are incredibly smart, but the two crows would interact with my dogs by just...
  7. M

    Hens? Roos? Please help!

    Posting on behalf of my roommate- he was told these were pullets when he purchased them last year but we’re starting to wonder if some are actually roosters? We’re pretty sure the dark red one is, but can anyone help with the others? There’s 6 chickens total that produce about 3-5 eggs each day...
  8. CountryWomanFarms

    Chicken with worms

    So a few days ago I noticed one of my chickens seemed a bit off but I chalked it up to it being an unusually hot day. But tonight when I went to close up the coop she was laying on the ground not moving so I checked her out and she couldn’t stand, had some poop stuck to her butt, and felt a bit...
  9. Backyard chaos

    Quail is super skinny but eating- Help

    Hello! I’m back! Sadly with bad news We have jumbo Coturnix quail (sorry is spelled wrong) that recently have been moved outside in their cages as we don’t have space inside. They have been doing great until today. Me and my brother went outside to feed everyone and I noticed one of the quail...
  10. Lolame777

    3 month old Brahma Rooster cant stand on his feet

    Hi everyone, I have a 3 month old Brahma Rooster that we hatched and raised and noticed last month as we came out in the morning to feed the chooks he was sitting but couldn't get up and walk, within the same day he was well again and walked as per normal. A couple of days ago (almost a month...
  11. ElGoose

    Goose nest suddenly stinks during hatch

    Polly is hatching some goslings right now, one hatched yesterday but today there is a slightly weird smell that is worrying me :^( it’s not a rotten egg smell though I’m not exactly sure what it is - another egg is hatching and I’m worried it may be that, it seems to be mid hatch and i would...
  12. C

    Overcrowding in coop?

    Hi - I have five silkies. Three are laying and two are still young at about 2 months. I have two Eglu Go coops. The three older ones usually go into one and the two younger ones are supposed to go into the second one. The younger ones just decided they wanted to integrate themselves into the...
  13. Layla_Chickens

    Broody hen!

    I while back I posted about my broody hen and how she was so eager to hatch. Since that day she has still been broody and I have no Idea what to do. I have taken her eggs then have let her laid them, i've separated her then put her back, I've even hand fed her in fear that she'll starve. She...
  14. C

    Please help! Slipped tendon too far gone? this baby is about 24 hours old. I fear she has a slip tendon or rotated femur. She constantly gets stuck on her back and has lots of trouble eating and drinking without complete assistance. I’m worried she’s in pain as she...
  15. TigerLily34

    Chick on day 41, help!

    Posted this on chicks but was advised to post it here. Hi all! I run a poultry farm and have hatched hundreds of eggs, and I’ve finally run into a first. I have a duck egg with high priority (laid by a now passed duck of importance to us) who is on day 41 with no pip or any indication of one...
  16. ChickaChicka1

    Need help with choosing Bunny

    Guys, I need help. I'm getting a rabbit and planning on showing him this and next year a few times, but I'm not sure how the face markings should be for a tricolor holland lop. What markings/marking placement on the face would disqualify or penalize a rabbit?
  17. Jcarnahan

    Chicks seem to choke to death

    We had a 3 week old jersey giant seemingly choke to death. He was struggling to breathe but no obvious reason. Acted like it was choking. This morning we lost a 2 week old turkey chick but this one had food in its mouth. It was fine then my daughter went out maybe an hour later and it was...
  18. TigerLily34

    Day 41 no pip but alive? Huh??

    Hi all! I run a poultry farm and have hatched hundreds of eggs, and I’ve finally run into a first. I have a duck egg with high priority (laid by a now passed duck of importance to us) who is on day 41 with no pip or any indication of one. We’ve hatched many ducklings and I incubated this one the...
  19. snooki

    What breed is this chick?

    Hello, i’m new to chickens and this is my first chick. I’m pretty sure it’s a female, (if not please correct me), but I’m not sure what her breed is.
  20. L

    HELP! - toddler squeezed week old chick

    My almost 3 year old accidentally held the poor little chick too hard. This happened while I was taking care of pasty butts of three other little ones right next to her. As I look over I discovered that the chick was almost limp. I immediately removed the chick out of her hand and checked if...
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