
  1. K

    7 week silkie

    Hey there, We just picked up a 7 week old silkie. I am aware of the breeds propensity for hiding their gender until the last possible moment. However, I am worried our little one is showing roo tendencies (loud, standing tall, seems to have streaking top feathers) and we cannot have Roos here...
  2. JesWith3

    Ameraucana (?) Breed question and Pullet or Roo?

    I have two Ameraucanas in my flock (I THINK). The topic still confuses me, because I've learned that just because a chicken has parents that are both Ameraucanas, if they don't meet a certain color requirement, they might not TECHNICALLY be Ameraucanas, but instead be simply classified as an...
  3. Quacking ducks

    What breed and gender?

    Hi, I have 2 21 week old chickens that I’m not sure if they are hens or roosters. The light brown one I think is a hen. she’s been sitting in a nesting box a lot latelyThe dark brown I’m wondering if it is a slow growing rooster. It has some hackle feathers on its neck, in the last week or two...
  4. butterbirds

    Need to rehome a BLR wyandotte young roo and 1 or 2 EE cockerels WILDWOOD, MO

    This blue laced red wyandotte has just started crowing and has tiny spur buds.. approx 16-18 weeks. The two EEs are approx 14 weeks and are bonded, though probably just because they're the youngest in my flock. I wish someone would tell me the EEs were really pullets, but I am somewhat...
  5. MixedBreed

    Cream legbar pullet? with spurs - hope it's a girl!

    Hi I've just bought this girl, supposed to be a cream legbar girl and we love her already. But my daughter just noticed the spurs. She's only young (don't know the exact age as she was picked out from a flock of about 300 chickens of all various ages and breeds). 8-12 weeks somewhere... Do you...
  6. joymo

    My Wimpy Silkie Roo

    Guys, I've successfully integrated 2 Silkies into my mini flock! It took a while but they're now all happily foraging and sunbathing together in their backyard digs. (Yay!) I've been holding out hope that both of my Silkies are hens - but alas, at 5-months old I'm now fairly very certain, that...
  7. M

    Angry pinecone...boy or girl?

    I bought this frizzle EE a couple months ago, and I'm starting to believe it's a rooster. Can someone confirm before I rehome?
  8. R

    Satin Silky Roos NE North Carolina

    I have two 5 month old satin silky Roos that need a new home. Located in South Mills North Carolina.
  9. F

    Help sexing frizzled satin

    Still hasn’t crowed and can’t tell if it’s a roo or hen. Thank you
  10. B

    Gold Lace Wyandottes? Pullet or cockerel?

    First one (has #1 at bottom right) is 9 weeks old today, #2 is 8 weeks today. Thought I had these figured out but now I’m not sure. If you think cockerel, please tell me why. I know waddle comb is red, but I read Wyandottes can be tricky. Thank you
  11. RonWeasley

    What is this thing? (11 week old cochin)

    Some backstory. We ordered 5 unsexed cochins from a hatchery, along with some other birds. As of this post, they are 11 weeks old. We thought we were able to vent sex this brown one as a male, but we have doubts. We're not experienced with vent sexing, so don't fully trust our judgement with it...
  12. C

    A little roo?

    Just wanted to confirm our suspicions, this little baby is a roo correct? Only about 4 weeks old, already seeing little waffles and red comb development
  13. Lubowski

    Rehoming 3 month old Orpington Roos- Olympia,WA

  14. L

    Black copper Maran… Pretty sure it’s a roo. Please prove me wrong.

    Purchased as a pullet. But crazy large feet and legs I think she may be a he. 🫤
  15. N

    Pullet or cockerel please help

    We have had 3 silkies chicks from day1 One confirmed roo, one we are 90% hen and then this guy. I have assumed roo from the beginning since he is our favourite and we can’t keep roosters. but I have some people saying hen. Please let me know if I have a vocal girl or if we need to find him a...
  16. J

    Light Brahma hen or roo?

    Bought this light Brahma about 9 weeks ago as a pullet but these tail feathers are making me nervous! What do you think, hen or roo?🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
  17. CITYS84

    Welsummer Barnevelder Araucana Exchequer Leghorn sexing?

    What do you think? I’m thinking 3 hens 1 Roo… happy to be advised otherwise?! They are coming up to 5 weeks old.
  18. morgan2163

    Bantams… breed and gender

    We know the white featherless legs is a roo… the d’uccle has the looks, but no sounds, same with the one we think is old English? No idea on breeds of the black ones either So, everyone’s favorite game, roo or hem, and breeds? They’re approx 12-13 weeks The looks of a roo… but 🤷🏼‍♀️breeds...
  19. C

    Hen or Roo? BYM

    Any thoughts on these 9 BYM? They're around 5ish weeks. I'm pretty sure I have three roos but I'd love to hear what others think. jay the mix #1 #2 #3 #4 #5
  20. C

    Is this an EE? What breed? And gender?

    is this chicken an Easter egger? I’ve thought she’s a hen for 15 weeks and now im second guessing, could she actually be a Roo? also she’s fast as lightning and incredibly evasive so as far as pictures go this is all i have right now 😂
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