Hey everyone! A few weeks ago I posted asking wether a few of my chicks were hens/roos. I definitely have figured out the gender on two other chicks but my Olive Egger still has me guessing. He/She had grown a huge amount in a few weeks so I was wondering if anyone could tell me the gender a...
Hello, I have an 11 week old (as of first week in June) Croad Langshan Ameraucana cross from Alchemist Farm. I’ve heard them called Alchemist Giants, currently you cannot directly buy them, they are only available if you get one of their 10 chick surprise/homestead assortments. He is sweet and...
I have 13, 6 week old mix chicks any ideas on gender or breed mixes they could be? Thanks
#6 hen?
#8 hen?
#11 roo?
#12 roo
#13 roo
I got Snickers with a batch of six other pullets from the local co-op a little over a month ago. They were a few days old at the time, so likely about 5 - 6 weeks old now. We've noticed that this one has a much more developed comb and waddles than the other girls do. The tail feathers are also...
I have a 5 week old Black Orpington. I was hoping for opinions on if this is a cockerel or pullet? I have given away it’s sibling which was twice it’s size/huge legs, and it’s comb was red by 2-3 weeks old. This one isn’t any bigger than the other babies, but it’s comb has reddened this week...
Hi everyone, we posted here about a month ago asking about sexes of our chickens that were labeled as production reds from TSC. They're about 1.5-2 months old now and would like your opinions again.
One is obviously a starlight green egger (below), which we believe is a pullet. Can anyone help...
I have my second round of chicks, and I’m suspecting that one of my EEs is a roo. They were all apparently sexed. But so was the last bunch, and one of my Orloffs ended up being a roo and I was able to figure it out relatively quickly.
Anyways! I have 1 buff Orpington and 2 EEs (one white and...
These 8 babies are 6 weeks old and I need help sexing them. I’m pretty sure we only have two roos ( and ). Thanks!
—————————————— :p :jumpy
#1- Daisy
When she was little, she had a little white dot which meant female, but I’m still going to check. She is very sweet and curious.
Father: EE...
Hi everyone, I always appreciate the help I get from this site, you guys are excellent! I hatched these eggs about 2 and 1/2 weeks ago from Georgia that I received from eBay and they were supposed to be a varied mix of orpington colors. All three look the same (are they chocolate orpington?)...
Back again as the chicks are bigger! Is this a roo and What breed? Originally sold as female EE😅 and also what breed and sex is this one with the crested head looking like?! Thank you!
Post 2 of 2: Seeking any insight of pullet or roos (prior post was for Australorps)
Purchased chicks from local feed store (Western Ranch, Sacramento, CA). Sold/Advertised as Wyandottes. Hatch date around 3/12/2023, so about 6 weeks.
For these both, I don't see an appreciable difference in...
New here - go gentle...I did read the "suggestion" for good photos. :) (This is post 1 of 2 I'll seek any insight of pullet or roos - 2 different breeds) I am new to this and appreciate those with experience with this breed providing insight into whether these can be sexed at this point...
We decided to grab this chick in question from TSC about 5 weeks ago. He/she was the only dark chick in a tub of White Leghorn babies and we thought "why not". No clue the breed, but we are leaning toward Prairie Bluebell Egger or Olive Egger. Does anyone know? And can anyone tell roo or hen...
I bought three pullets from a local--a classic Craigslist deal that listed them as pullet hens. The seller said they're two blue sapphire Plymouth rocks and one silver laced sussex. They're around 6 weeks old. When comparing them to photos online, I'm not so sure. What do y'all think? One of the...
I ordered some pullets a few weeks back and am worried one may be a cockerel and I can’t have another one!
I ordered a few different breeds so she’s my only (and first) SS and she’s starting to look a little suspicious lol
I’ve never had issues ordering from them in the past they’ve always been...
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?
Not exactly, we had chickens when I was young. I just got some new chicks 8 weeks ago I remember how fun they were.
(2) How many chickens do you have right now?
(3) What breeds do you have?
Barred Rocks
(4) What are your...
Noticed the curly tail on my supposed pullet this afternoon. (S)he is my favorite of my newest and I’m so sad because if she’s a he, he’s gotta go😭 New to Olive Eggers, so hoping there’s a chance it’s a she!