10wk chick with pulled/splayed legs, curled toes


Aug 18, 2024
This chick got picked up when her legs were tangled in something, and the best I can say is that it must have pulled or torn something. Nothing broken that we could feel, but tender to touch at the top of the thigh. I isolated her and it seemed like she was getting better, but then off and on, like maybe she would reinjure it. It has been over 3 weeks and today she seems back to as bad as when it first happened. She can’t move well - sometimes one leg gets way out behind her and she can’t get it back under her. She sometimes manages a few steps alright, but tires quickly and sits down. She often stands on her shanks instead of fully up on the leg. And her toes no longer stay splayed, but often are crumpled into a flaccid “fist”. I taped the foot that had that issue, and that seemed to help her get around, but now the other leg seems weak and that foot is also starting to collapse. Any suggestions - do you think there is hope after so long?
There might be a way to do some therapy with her. You could make a little sling for her and spend some time each day helping her walk? Obviously something got messed up, and her only being a chick she may have to relearn some things.

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