Ancona duck gene possibilities black drake choc hen


Mar 16, 2025
So I have a "black" drake might really be a tricolor black grey white and has a green iridescent spot on his neck that is mating with a chocolate female. Was wondering what the genetic potential might be ive read that a choc drake with black duck produces chocolate but the opposite is just all black? Here's a picture for reference thanks
Your male appears to be blue bibbed and female looks like chocolate magpie.
So if the male doesn't carry the chocolate gene (which he may) you will most likely get blue magpie and black magpie ducklings. But since the birds look mixed that might not be all you get.
Your male appears to be blue bibbed and female looks like chocolate magpie.
So if the male doesn't carry the chocolate gene (which he may) you will most likely get blue magpie and black magpie ducklings. But since the birds look mixed that might not be all you get.
There ancona ducks not magpies 😓 any one have anconas that might be able to shed some light here? Cause idk if you'd consider the male black or not
There ancona ducks not magpies 😓 any one have anconas that might be able to shed some light here? Cause idk if you'd consider the male black or not
They don't have correct coloration for Anconas even if they did hatch from Anconas.
The male is blue bibbed, like a Swedish. He doesn't have the dominant pied gene.

The female is chocolate magpie.

Ancona ducks have spots and magpie coloration has large patches of color.

Ancona ducks are genetically magpie but with unknown modifiers to break up the patches into spots.
That's why I used the term magpie because that's the only genetics term we have for that coloration.
Brother they do have spots and that picture of a magpie you have there has a far shorter neck and bib. I had a ancona breeder help properly identify them though males a blue rust probably with lavender gene and the female is turns out is the tricolor depending on if the lavender or chocolate is present could have all 6 color possibilities from this pairing so super exciting news for me thanks anyways!

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