Brinsea Octogon 20 ECO or Genesis 1588? Please help me decide...

I am a complete newbie at this. I ordered the Eco with cradle last week and it came Wednesday. It has been humming away since, one day without cradle, one day with. Steady temp at 99.7 and humidity 45%. I guess I need to find a way to get the humidity up a little. Of course, my hygrometer might be wrong and I have no way of knowing. Guess I'll have to buy another digital hygro.
I am so excited!
I won eggs on e-bay today!
Congratulations, good choice, your humidity is perfect tor the first 19 days (chicken eggs) .

Then you need to take if off autocradle (no more turning) and up humidity to about 60-65%

Happy hatching !
Ok, ok, ok... Now what to do??? This Eco incubator seems interesting. Where can one buy the incubator and turner cheap? 129.00 is good, what about the turner? How does it compare to the Genesis??
Anyone feel free to correct me here, but here goes.

There are two water reservoirs in all the octagon 20 model. They advise that you use one and three days prior to hatch, use both. The advance has a digital humidity readout while the eco does not. I don't believe the advance actually regulates humidity, just monitors it. Hope that helps, I've been researching these heavily.
Thanks Preppy. I think the 129.99 is good for the price. Anyplace online where they ship within 3 days? The turner is kinda expensive for 69 someone mentioned they found it for 50 bucks... Where is that?
There's one ending on Ebay really soon. Search octagon incubator. I'm not bidding on it, but it's more like the advance. The guy says its never been used. Doubt if it would ship in three days.

Or...You can google Brinsea octagon incubator and lots of online places come up. Check 'em out!

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