I just love my Buff Brahmas so much and continue to love and appreciate that you are sharing about yours because it's still so hard to find information about them as they grow! My Fern IS a hen! She laid her first egg this past week at 26 weeks old and her sister started a week or so before that!I'm adding here from our recent hatch Here.
They were from a local lady who raised Brahmas all varieties but only our Buffs hatched.
So these are NOT from TSC or hatchery stock. And I believe that has made the difference in growth rate and being able to sex them early on.
Now, I'm no expert. I Did use the wing sexing tips, day old and week old on shapes/staggered. And honestly it worked for us. Also, the boys are really really slow to feather!
They are currently 6 weeks old and outside. We are coming into winter but we have them warm and a contingency plan just in case .
(Main plan of broody didn't pan out but that's ok)
Photos may not be in any order! I try to click on order but it doesn't always work! Lol should be oldest to youngest (sorry pic overload)